13 Things Extraordinary Leaders Do Every Single Day

No one wants to watch an average movie.  Or eat at an average restaurant.  Fewer still want to listen to an average sermon. And no one wants to work for or follow an average leader!  Let’s be honest, at least bad leaders will soon be replaced or you can always find another job.  Conversely, people are often forced to endure average leaders with no hope of a brighter tomorrow.

So if you are an average leader, how do you move from average to extraordinary?  Is there a plan you can implement for personal growth and self-improvement?

Alan Stein, Jr. is one of my favorite performance coaches and corporate keynote speakers. In his corporate keynote programs and workshops, Alan reveals how to utilize the same approaches in business that elite athletes use to perform at a world-class level. He delivers practical lessons that can be implemented immediately.  His book Raise Your Game: High-Performance Secrets from the Best of the Best is one of my most recommended resources.  If you don’t have a copy, click HERE or on the image provided and get your copy TODAY!

In the video shown above, Alan discusses the importance of focusing on the basics.  The following are 13 Things Extraordinary Leaders Do Every Single Day I gleaned from his speech.  This list provides an excellent template for personal growth.

  1. Extraordinary Leaders Are Counter-Cultural – “We live in a world that tells us it’s OK to skip steps.”
  2. Extraordinary Leaders Properly Evaluate Reality – “The basics work.  They always have and they always will… The very first step to improving performance is to admit the basics work”
  3. Extraordinary Leaders Lead With Humility – “but it’s also having the humility to admit”
  4. Extraordinary Leaders Work Very Hard – “that implementing the basics consistently is never, ever going to be easy.”
  5. Extraordinary Leaders Are Intentional – “I aim to be extraordinary in every area of my life.”
  6. Extraordinary Leaders Have A Proper Perspective – “But I find a lot of people believe being extraordinary has to do with something grandiose.”
  7. Extraordinary Leaders Focus On The Basics – “That’s not what being extraordinary is all about.  Being extraordinary is having the humility to focus on the basics.”
  8. Extraordinary Leaders Do The Lonely Work – “Being extraordinary is working relentlessly during the unseen hours”
  9. Extraordinary Leaders Master The Fundamentals – “to master the fundamentals.”
  10. Extraordinary Leaders Are Disciplined – “Being extraordinary is having the discipline”
  11. Extraordinary Leaders Are Committed – “and commitment”
  12. Extraordinary Leaders Do Little Things In An Extraordinary Way – “to do the little things right”
  13. Extraordinary Leaders Are Consistent – “every. single. day.”

What one step from the list above can you take to make you an extraordinary leader?  Once again, if you haven’t purchased Alan’s wonderful book, you can do so by clicking HERE.

FREE Helpful Resources

In conjunction with one of my content partners, I created two new checklists to help you identify ways you can improve your leadership:

You can download them by clicking HERE and HERE or on the images below.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.