6 Things Employees Who Claim To Be Christians Should Never Do

Leaders raise the standard in every area of life, including the workplace.  They do not reduce people to a level of mediocrity but rather call them to be their very best.  Today I’m going to raise the standard.

What type of employee should a Christian be?

Dr. Crawford Loritts is a great preacher.  Notice I did not say “communicator.”  Communicators give talks.  Preachers give a message from God to the people to address the issues in their lives at this point and time in human history.  Let’s break down that last statement:

  1. Preachers give a message from God
  2. to the people
  3. to address the issues in their lives
  4. at this point and time in human history.

On Sunday, September 20th, he delivered a message from God to the people of Fellowship Bible Church entitled The Challenge Of Isolation from Daniel 6.  It is a must-watch for all Christians.  You can do so by clicking HERE.

During the message, he discussed the behavior a Christian should have in the workplace.  Crawford stated the following:

“I need to say this.  I need to say this.  If you are a believer, a follower of Jesus, you ought to be the best employee your company has ever had.  There shouldn’t be any lying going on.  You shouldn’t be a part of any power games.  No organizational manipulation.  No spitting contests.  No jealousies.  No break room gossiping.  And if you’re doing that don’t pass out any Gospel tracks.  Take off any stickers on your car that speak anything about Jesus.  And be hesitant about telling them you’re part of Fellowship Bible Church.  That’s strong but let me tell you something, too many bifurcate our relationship with God.  We could not stand the scrutiny Daniel went through (in chapter 6).”

That’s a message from God.  Not a TED Talk with a bible verse attached.

From Crawford’s message, we gather 6 Things Employees Who Claim To Be Christians Should Never Do:

  1. “There shouldn’t be any lying going on.” – Christians should always be truthful and people of the highest integrity.
  2. “You shouldn’t be a part of any power games.” – In fact, they should take on the attitude of a servant.  Christians should always be generous in their praise for their fellow co-workers.  They should always put the spotlights on others and promote their good works.
  3. “No organizational manipulation.” – Christians should follow the example of Joseph while in prison and faithfully carry out their responsibilities while waiting to be summoned for their next assignment.  They should let opportunities come to them and not seek them out.  Because when they do, they can then presuppose they have been prepared for the opportunity brought to them by God.
  4. “No spitting contests.” – There should be a nobility to a Christian’s life and be above petty arguments and turf wars.
  5. “No jealousies.” – The Christian celebrates how God works in the lives of others and are satisfied with what God has for them.  In addition, overall we do a good job weeping with those who weep.  However, overall we do a terrible job rejoicing with those who rejoice.
  6. “No break room gossiping.” – Christians go to people and initiate reconciliation.

As an employee who claims to be a Christian, do you do any of these six things?  If so, repent.  Or just don’t tell people you go to church.

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.