20 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Wonder Woman 1984

Tonight I had the joy of watching Wonder Woman 1984 at a friend’s house on HBO Max.  We had a great time!  First, let me say movies are enjoyed best in the context of community.

That being said, Wonder Woman 1984 takes place approximately 70 years after end of World War I and the death 0f her beloved Steve Rogers.  Early in the movie, the Dreamstone, an ancient artifact which grants wishes to anyone who touches it, is discovered.

What ensues is two individuals taking full advantage (and full responsibility) for its powers.  One is Maxwell Lord, a failing businessman who suddenly becomes the world’s foremost oil tycoon.  Second, and much more interesting, is Dr. Barbara Minerva who goes from shy gemologist to the ultimate alpha-female.

WW84 is a fun movie.  My how we have missed blockbusters!!!  There is only one cuss word and zero nudity.  It’s not as good as the first film but definitely work 2 and 1/2 hours of your time.

The following are 20 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Wonder Woman 1984:

  1. You Can Only Connect The Dots Looking Back – Reflecting on her childhood, Diana says, “Some days, my childhood feels so very far away. And others… I can almost see it. The magical land of my youth… like a beautiful dream of when the whole world felt like a promise and the lessons that lay ahead yet unseen. Looking back, I wish I’d listened. Wish I’d watched more closely and understood. But sometimes you can’t see what you’re learning until you come out the other side.”
  2. Antiope, played by Robin Wright, said, “Just do your best and remember, greatness is not what you think.
  3. Diana’s mother, Hippolyta played by Connie Nelson, said, “You cannot be a winner unless you are ready to win.”
  4. The Longest Distance Between Two Points Is A Shortcut – When she cuts corners in hopes of  winning a triathlon, Diana is rebuked by her aunt-mentor Antiope (Robin Wright): “No true hero is born from lies.”
  5. Sometimes People Miss Greatness Because They Are Not Looking For It – Hippolyta told a disappointed young Diana, “The world is not ready for all you will do.”
  6. You Never Know The Capabilities Of People You Are Dismissing Or Ignoring – Do you truly know the capabilities of everyone on your team?  Early in the film, Dr. Barbara Minerva, played by Kristen Wiig, was completely ignored and marginalized by everyone around her.  Little did they know she would one day be the Cheetah.
  7. Leadership Is Sometimes Very Lonely – There is a poignant scene when Diana is having a meal and reminded of her aloneness.  A waiter asks, “Table for two?”  When she says, “No, just me.”  She watched as he removes the glass and place settings across from her.  Diana spent many evenings alone.
  8. Even Wonder Woman Struggles – Diana told Barbara at a meal, “My life hasn’t been what you think it has. We all have our struggles.
  9. Why Financial Leaders Like For Their Gifts To Remain Anonymous – After hearing Max Lord, played by Pedro Pascal, was giving a significant gift to the Smithsonian Institute, Diana observes, “I found that true benefactors avoid the limelight to allow the focus to be on the museum.”
  10. Great Leaders Are Big Picture Thinkers – Steve Trevor says, “I can save today but you can save the world.”
  11. Beware Of Leaders Who Give Empty Promises – Lord says, “Welcome to the future. Life is good! But it can be better. And why shouldn’t it be? All you need is to want it. Think about finally having everything you always wanted.”
  12. A Child’s Greatest Wish Is Simply Time With His Parents – When Lord’s son was told he would be granted any wish he wanted, all he asked for was time with his father.
  13. A Tragic Dark Side To Loneliness – As depicted in the film, when you are lonely and have significant unmet emotional needs, you are susceptible to anyone who shows you attention and/or affection.
  14. A Man’s Greatest Need Is Respect – Lord’s main problem originating from his childhood was a basic need for respect.
  15. Leaders Must Make Continual Improvements To Succeed – During the film, Diana added an invisible plane, the ability to fly, and armor to her superhero repertoire.
  16. Barbara said, “I don’t wanna be like anyone. I want to be an apex predator. You’ve always had everything while people like me have had nothing. Well now it’s my turn. Get used to it.”
  17. With Every Thing You Say “Yes” To, You Also Make The Choice To Say “No” To Something Else
  18. Leaders Have To Constantly Make Hard Decisions – This is in the fine-print of the leadership job description.  And Diane and Steve had to make some hard decisions to subdue Lord.
  19. Diana said, “Nothing good is born from lies. And greatness is not what you think.”
  20. Jesus Christ Is The Way, The Truth, and The Life – Diana said, “You cannot have it all.  You can only have the truth.  The truth is enough.  The truth is beautiful.”

Once again, Wonder Woman 1984 is a fun movie!  However you wish to see it, make sure you check it out over the holidays.

During the 2019 college football season, fans were given a gift when legendary coach Urban Meyer joined Fox’s Big Noon Kickoff preview show as a studio analyst.  As a three-time national championship head coach, Coach Meyer’s ability to deliver complex leadership principles with brevity and concise terminology created a compelling experience for educated and “smart” fans.  Throughout the season, I captured Coach Meyer’s best leadership quotes from this weekly show.  I wanted to make them available to you in this new complimentary resource Urban Meyer 2019 Fox Sports Big Noon Kickoff Ebook.  

The contents includes Winning Cultures, 3 Types of Teams, Strategy and Competition, Recruiting, Rivalry Games, Personal Performance, and much, much more.  Click HERE to get your complimentary copy today!  Trust me – this resource will make you a better leader.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.