9 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From WandaVision Episodes 1 and 2

Today is the release of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first series WandaVision.  Let’s be honest, I did not know what to expect.  The previews showed a version of Wanda Maximoff (played by Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (played by Paul Bettany) in some 50’s combination of Leave It To Beaver and I Dream Of Jeanie.

My expectation of any Marvel production is big action, great storytelling, bad guys, and some threat of global destruction.  Let’s say I was incredibly disappointed but I will put this in perspective below.  The storyline is Wanda and Vision are in some form of alternate highly-domesticated universe trying to have a normal life and just fit in.  But something seems awry.

First let me give some over-arching leadership thoughts:

  1. Trust is the foundation of all successful relationships.  I trust Kevin Feige and the Marvel films.  Therefore, I am willing to give this some time.  Otherwise, let’s just say I’d be waiting on Falcon and Winter Soldier.  I know I will get action, bad guys, and global destruction in that!
  2. Take the time needed to develop perspective.  There is enough in the first two episodes (particularly at the end of the 2nd) which will keep me engaged moving forward.  This is going somewhere and I’m interested in seeing where it is.
  3. Complete narratives are better than individual episodes.  This is true in life and episodic television.  Something tells me if I watched all the episodes at one time, I would be highly impressed.  With the first two individual episodes, not as much.  But as I stated, let’s wait and see.

Those are my over-arching thoughts.  Now, the following are 6 additional Leadership Quotes And Lessons From WandaVision Episodes 1 and 2.  There will be 9 episodes in full.

Episode 1

  1. Incredibly talented people often have a hard time fitting in.  Uber-talented artists, business leaders, athletes, politicians, doctors, and people of this sort, often have a difficult time interacting with middle-class individuals.  This is often the result of backgrounds, education, common interests, worldviews, level of intensity, or simply how they think.  It is difficult blending in with a 9-to-5er when they just conquered using an adding machine and you have just conquered Thanos.
  2. Results Matter – Vision did not have much favor with his boss until he saved his life.  Then he got promoted.
  3. Successful Leaders Embrace Their Uniqueness Rather Than Hide It – Wanda said, “We are an unusual couple you know.”

Episode 2

  1. Don’t gum up your leadership.  To fit in with a group of men, Vision eats a piece of gum which “gums up” the machinery in his body and causes him to malfunction.  Think about that, a piece of gum took down a superhero.  What little things can take you down?
  2. A man’s performance is in direct relation to his wife’s activity in his life.  Being a married man is not an individual undertaking.  While putting on a magic show, Wanda continually helped a malfunctioning Vision out of a series of uncomfortable jams.  Most husbands I know can tell countless stories of their wives helping them out of their own set of circumstances.
  3. Tension is good.  The villain, a man wearing a bee suit ascends from manhole surrounded by bees, finally makes a brief appearance.

As I mentioned, my level of expectation was off but this is going somewhere.  I’m all in!

To receive more leadership insights from Coach Saban, click HERE or on the image to the left for my new ebook The Leadership Of Nick Saban: Timeless Truths From The Incomparable Head Coach Of The Alabama Crimson Tide.  This is an invaluable resource for both sports fans or anyone interested in organizational leadership.  Enjoy!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.