10 Resources For Pastors and Church Leaders to Relaunch Church in 2021

One of the goals and objectives of this site is to get as many quality resources into the hands of pastors and church leaders as possible.  One of the best organizations supplying COVID relevant content right now is Aspen Group.  They are a ministry-focused design, build, furnish firm providing integrated solutions for new church facilities, additions, and renovations and quick, COVID-related facility fixes.  And they get ministry.

Recently, they put together 10 Resources For Pastors and Church Leaders to Relaunch Church in 2021.  The quality of these resources is so high I want to make them available to you. When COVID hit and churches had to lockdown last year, pastors everywhere wondered what to do about their empty buildings and how to maximize their facilities once they’re ready to regather in person. The team at Aspen worked hard to help guide you through uncertain times. As the pandemic continues, here are their most-read articles and resources to help you prepare for a strong start in 2021.

Top 2020 Articles to Relaunch Church

1. Preparing Leaders to Relaunch Church


When you relaunch your church after COVID-19 has subsided, what form will it take? Will it be ministry as usual, or will you use this opportunity to reset as a Body and seek God’s wisdom in how you might better reach people with the Gospel and saving power of Jesus Christ? Read more>

2. 4 Ways to Reimagine Large Gathering Spaces for Smaller-Sized Groups

socially distanced worship-blog

As states start to ease stay-at-home restrictions, church leaders are facing a new challenge—how to adapt large gathering spaces for smaller-sized groups in order to maintain social distancing? Read more>

Learn how physical AND digital space can work together to support the discipleship journey.


3. How to Build Your Church for Community Impact


Churches once held a place of influence at the center of our communities. Viewed as an anchor in our communities, they were given a central place in the town square. Today, congregations are often relegated to the fringes of our towns. Zoning laws and conflicts over church and state divisions often prohibit churches from gaining access into places and activities where the light of Christ is needed most. With all of these forces in play, how can we become a church that’s in and for the community? Read more>

4. How to Create Safe, Secure Children’s Ministry Space


When it comes to designing children’s ministry space, safety and security are the top priorities. In this article, we’ll cover some of the key safety and security features every church should build into their children’s ministry spaces. Read more>

5. How to Adapt Your Church Facility for Phased-In Gathering Sizes

How to Adapt Your Church Facility for Phased-In Gathering Sizes-blog-2

Churches with large sanctuaries or multipurpose rooms that are designed to seat 200 or more can be used for a gathering of 10 to 50. But hosting 50 or fewer in a room designed for hundreds affects the group’s social interaction and impressions of intimacy, warmth, and safety in the space. If people intuitively sense that the context is not appropriate for the gathering, they may not continue to engage. Read more>

6. Relaunching Church in a Post-COVID Culture


The church never was the building. It is and always has been people who make up the church. During this season of social distancing, congregations are learning anew what it means to be the Church. Read more>

Top 2020 Resources to Relaunch Church

relaunch-church-resource-cvr7. Key Questions to Prepare for a New Season of Ministry

In “Relaunch Church: Key Questions to Prepare for a New Season of Ministry,” we provide a framework you can use to reflect on what you’re learning during the COVID-19 crisis, and how you’ll prepare to return to your church building once the pandemic has subsided. It’s a chance to reimagine your church through the lenses of culture, leadership, ministry, and facilities. When churches are in alignment in these four areas, they’re able to operate with greater efficiency and effectiveness. Download your free guide now>

8. Leadership Questions for a New Season of Ministry


Relaunching your church within our COVID-19 reality will require vision and an ability to navigate long-term, strategic change while implementing short-term solutions for gathering together as a church.

In this resource, we’ve created an expanded series of leadership questions for senior pastors and key ministry leaders. Download your free guide now>







9. Building Leaders to Launch New Congregations

Even in the midst of a pandemic, pastors are still dreaming about starting movements to achieve the Great Commission—multiplication. Your ability to multiply hinges on developing more leaders at all times. In this free guide, Patrick O’Connell, Global Director of NewThing Network, will help you discover ways to build a pipeline of leaders and empower them for future leadership roles. Download your free guide now>





relaunching-four-key-ministry-areas-in-your-church-cover10. Relaunching 4 Key Ministry Areas in Your Church

This new guide is designed to help pastors and ministry leaders reimagine the future of your church’s key ministry programs, including worship, kids’ ministry, outreach, and discipleship. Download your free PDF now>





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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.