28 Leadership Quotes From Pastor Jeremy Morton’s Morning Session At The Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference

Today I will be live-blogging the leadership quotes from the main sessions of this year’s Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference.  This is one of my favorite events of the year.  The following is a letter from Pastor Johnny explaining the why the theme for this year is The Pack:

“If 2020 has made anything more clear in my life it is this simple fact; men spend too much time in isolation. ‘I got this,’ ‘I’m good’, and ‘I don’t need any help’ are all too common responses when friends and loved ones approach us with care and concern. Yes, we can handle a lot all by ourselves but that is never how God intended us to live. We may believe we can survive alone but no man thrives alone. We were designed to live in community, to run with The Pack.

The ‘lone wolf’ label is often worn as a badge of honor but there’s no heroism or adventure for this solitary soldier. He wanders, hungers and eventually dies both foodless and friendless. Without the strength of his community, the lone wolf faces colder cold, darker nights, and more threatening enemies. He may feel strong when he leaves the pack, but his strength won’t last without it.

The good news is that contrary to our modern society, The wolf pack embraces the weak, protects the vulnerable, and gives up the self for the sake of the others. If you feel lost in the woods, this Pack, our brotherhood in Chris, will always welcome you back.”

The following are 28 Leadership Quotes From Woodstock First Baptist Church Senior Pastor Jeremy Morton’s Morning Session At The Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference.  His message on the life of Sampson was from Judges 16:16-22 on “A Man Too Strong For His Own Good.

  1. “When God wants to do something significant, God calls a man. I am a Biblical complementarian.  I am not a chauvinist.”
  2. “Is it possible we’re so talented we forgot how much we need the Lord.”
  3. “The saddest statement you can make – a strong man who did not know the Lord had left him.”
  4. “We perpetuate this illusion we can be strong without Him. What is it about men that we think we can do it by ourselves?”
  5. “God really has special plans for a woman who wants to be a mama and can’t be a mama.”
  6. “Samson seems to be the personification of Israel as a whole.”
  7. “Despite Samson’s obvious flaws God still used him.”
  8. “God’s grace is bigger than us. God’s story is bigger than us.”
  9. “Your flaws are nothing compared to the grace of Jesus Christ.”
  10. “How many times have we not been looking at God and been looking at a girl?”
  11. “Samson gets comfortable in the arms of the enemy.”
  12. “He got comfortable in the darkness and the darkness took out his eyes.”
  13. “True strength, strength that lasts, comes only from the Lord… When Sampson was close to God he was strong. When Sampson took his eyes of the Lord he became weak.”
  14. “When Sampson had his eyes he couldn’t see. When Sampson had his eyes gauged out, he could finally see.”
  15. “Seven times we are told Sampson was strong when God’s Spirit was on him.”
  16. “You’ve never been strong without God.”
  17. “Samson refused his parents advice and paid for it dearly… Young people listen to your parents. Listen to your pastor.”
  18. “Parents, be willing to take authority over your children. Sir, are you having conversations with the little Sampson growing up in your house?”
  19. “You have a God who is stronger than you can imagine. If you are under His authority, you have more strength than you can imagine.”
  20. “It is not important if you are pleased. It is about you pleasing the Father.”
  21. “God wants to use you. The devil wants to wreck you.  The only hope you have is to stand close to Jesus.”
  22. “Holiness is not just what I separate from. Holiness is what I give myself to.  You are not holy because of what you’re not doing.  You are holy because of what you are doing.”
  23. “Satan knows your weakness.”
  24. “Temptation always begins in your mind… Lust is dangerous.”
  25. “Isolation – Nowhere between Judges 16 and 16 is Sampson surrounded by Godly friends.”
  26. “Thank you to the brother willing to fight through your isolation to keep you lovingly accountable.”
  27. “It’s never too late to consider coming to Jesus.”
  28. “You’re not strong without Christ.”

What an incredible way to start the day!  Check back in a couple of hours for Pastor Johnny’s closing session.

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.