36 Leadership Quotes From Pastor Johnny Hunt’s Closing Session At The Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference

Today I will be live-blogging the leadership quotes from the main sessions of this year’s Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference.  This is one of my favorite events of the year.  The following is a letter from Pastor Johnny explaining the why the theme for this year is The Pack:

“If 2020 has made anything more clear in my life it is this simple fact; men spend too much time in isolation. ‘I got this,’ ‘I’m good’, and ‘I don’t need any help’ are all too common responses when friends and loved ones approach us with care and concern. Yes, we can handle a lot all by ourselves but that is never how God intended us to live. We may believe we can survive alone but no man thrives alone. We were designed to live in community, to run with The Pack.

The ‘lone wolf’ label is often worn as a badge of honor but there’s no heroism or adventure for this solitary soldier. He wanders, hungers and eventually dies both foodless and friendless. Without the strength of his community, the lone wolf faces colder cold, darker nights, and more threatening enemies. He may feel strong when he leaves the pack, but his strength won’t last without it.

The good news is that contrary to our modern society, The wolf pack embraces the weak, protects the vulnerable, and gives up the self for the sake of the others. If you feel lost in the woods, this Pack, our brotherhood in Chris, will always welcome you back.”

The following are 36 Leadership Quotes From Pastor Johnny Hunt’s Closing Session At The Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference:

  1. “I’ve always drawn a lot of rednecks and I enjoy you being here.”
  2. “Some people will live their whole Christian life without sharing the Gospel with a friend.”
  3. “If you have Jesus in your life, your friends are probably wondering what happened.”
  4. “You don’t accidently win someone to Jesus. You win someone to Jesus intentionally.”
  5. “Two over-arching themes happened in my soul happened when I got saved. As a boy of a single mother, I got a family father.  And you became my family.”
  6. “Your heart is not a hotel. Jesus does not check-in and check-out.”
  7. “I am as sure as Heaven as if I’m already there. I’m so saved I couldn’t go to hell if I wanted to.”
  8. “I’m going to Heaven because of the Father. I’m going maturely because of my family.”
  9. “The average person 48 years ago went three times per week. Today, it is 1.6 times per month.”
  10. “You can grow old without growing up.”
  11. “In recent generations, we’ve downplayed the church.”
  12. “How can you possibly love Jesus and hate his bride.”
  13. “It’s not the truth you know but the truth you obey that makes the difference.”
  14. “Truth is the menu. Life is the meal.  The church is filled with people who know the truth and not tasted and see.”
  15. “The people who go to hell are going to miss Heaven by about sixteen inches.”
  16. “You don’t have to go to church to be a Christian? To be an obedient one you do.”
  17. “Theologically, it’s not the promises you make to God that matters. It’s the promises God makes to you.  There’s only one promise keeper… Jesus never fails.”
  18. “You will never be in a temptation… there’s always a passage to escape.”
  19. “I can’t stay away.” – on going to church
  20. “If Jesus decides to take me to Heaven for hugging, I’m alright.”
  21. “Whatever it takes to get us there (Heaven), we wish we would have done it sooner.”
  22. “There is a divine responsibility that comes with being a Christian. I want to be faithful to my Father but I also want to be faithful to His family.”
  23. “Should I be going to church? They need me.  I’m doing it for others.”
  24. “We live in a me-ism generation.”
  25. “Worship is giving God the best He has given you.”
  26. “People can’t give to God because they’ve kept the best for themselves.”
  27. “The first thing I need to do in my prayer time every morning is adore God. ”
  28. “Think of what it cost God for you being able to pray.”
  29. “If God did not cleanse my conscious, my conscious would condemn me and I couldn’t preach. But the blood of Jesus cleaned my conscious.”
  30. “Many of you have been freed from the grip of sin but not the guilt of sin.”
  31. “There would not be Christian lyrics if it was not using the Word of God.”
  32. “When you read the Bible, the portion you understand, obey it. Light begets more light.”
  33. “Your ability to believe Him does not affect His ability to be believable and believe Himself.”
  34. “I come to corporate worship for two major reasons – To worship Him and encourage others.”
  35. “Worship God. Love Others.”
  36. “God uses biblical teaching and wholesome worship and Bible study to stir you up for devotion and to encourage others for greater works.”

This has been an incredible event!  I already have next year’s conference on the calendar!

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.