5 Signs Leaders Are Headed Toward Burnout


Burnout is often a looming threat, especially for leaders. The fact that there is always more to do, coupled with unrealistic expectations for Christian, means leaders can easily be in dangerous territory from the start.

As a third-generation pastor with a degree in counseling, I have seen countless ministry leaders make fixable mistakes that set them on a path to be over-extended and ultimately lose their will to maintain their ministry.

Here are five signs that I commonly see before a leader burns out:

Poor Boundaries

In Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townshend’s classic book, Boundaries, they discuss the walls that we put up with other people. Some of us have walls that are too rigid. The first instinct of this type is to say no and they have trouble letting people in. Others have walls that are too permeable. This type says yes too often and are not discerning enough about who they let into their lives.

Either extreme is dangerous. Whether your reactions to others is to cling to them or run away, your decisions are being determined by the people around you. Many leaders are being pushed around without even knowing it and they do not have enough healthy relationships to get them back on track when they are pushed too far.

Self-esteem Issues

My grandfather used to say that three of the main reasons people enter ministry is to feel good about themselves, to accumulate power, or try to earn grace from God. He was exaggerating to make a point, but my experience has not been far from this.

Many leaders only feel good about themselves when they get positive feedback on their performance. Unfortunately, if you cannot be at peace without your work or status, your work or status can never give you peace. If you find that you feel really low or really high depending on how you performed, you might be on this track.

Little to No Self-Care

Anyone who has flown on a plane knows that you put on your own oxygen mask before helping those around you. Sadly, many leaders forget this principle and put themselves at the bottom of the priority list.

Healthy leaders are very aware of their margins and know what they need when times are busy or slow. They know what parts of their work drain them the most and they know how refresh themselves in the middle of the day. Leaders that say they will take care of themselves after the next project is finished find that the projects, the needs, and the crises just keep coming and that their margin disappears before they know it.

Lack of Advisors & Mentors

When you see a leader that has no mentor or trusted friend that can challenge them, you can be confident they are headed for trouble. We all have blind spots and all of us can be myopic or overly focused on unimportant things. But those that give people permission to challenge and refine them can sidestep those land mines.

I noticed when people told me their stories that their times of greatest growth were when they had a mentor or discipler and that the hardest seasons were when they were alone and isolated. Iron sharpens iron and unfortunately, most people are not getting sharper. If you are not getting sharper, work becomes like using a dull knife. Every task, big or small, takes more energy and effort.

Waning Passion

When a leader loses passion for something they used to be passionate about, that person is often dangerously close to burning out. People often mistake passion for an unlimited resource and not like a fire that can fizzle out if not properly maintained.

Leaders that are losing their passion or see burnout on the horizon can take solace, both are reversible. But the solution is not ‘business as usual’. It usually requires a top-to-bottom evaluation of yourself and putting together a plan for how you can pursue your goals in healthier, more focused ways.

A Note from Brian Dodd:

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.