15 Lessons You Learn When You’re NOT The Smartest Person In The Room

Lorne Michaels famously said, “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”  I am at a fortunate place in my life where I am constantly surrounded by people who are bigger, faster, stronger, smarter, sharper, and Godlier than I am.

And I have never been happier!

The following are 15 Lessons You Learn When You’re NOT The Smartest Person In The Room:

  1. You learn they are more committed to the mission and vision of the organization than you are.
  2. You learn they are more dedicated to perfecting their craft than you are.
  3. You learn they have greater attention to detail than you do.
  4. You learn they are never content.
  5. You learn how they make sure the people around them are in the best possible place to succeed.
  6. You learn how they make sure their people have all the equipment and resources needed to be succeed.
  7. You learn they are the hardest working people in their organizations and how much harder they work than you do.  They are also the first to arrive and last to leave (even on Zoom calls).
  8. You learn how much their team follows their example and delivers their best possible work.
  9. You learn how proactive and skilled they are in having difficult conversations.
  10. You learn how they physically prepare for success.
  11. You learn how they mentally prepare for success.
  12. You learn how they spiritually prepare for success.
  13. You learn how much more they look for and value marginal gains than you do.  They know that improving many small aspects of their organization result in huge gains.
  14. You learn how much more generous they are than you.
  15. You learn how much more humble they are than you.

But you are also aware of how much better you are getting because you are in the presence and gleaning from their wisdom and experience.

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.