44 Quotes and Leadership Gold from Johnny Hunt’s Timothy Barnabas Opening Session

I have the privilege of being dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to spend a few days with approximately 100 pastors at this week’s Johnny Hunt’s Timothy Barnabas Conference. God never intended his children to walk through life alone. He has called each of us to walk alongside other believers and to encourage each other in the joys, trials and demands of the Christian life and ministry. That is the reason the ministry of Timothy+Barnabas exists.

Also, if you are reading this post, you have a deep interest in being a better leader.  God has also probably put a book in your heart.  If so, let me help you.  This is the system I used for my book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders and it will work for you.

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This special offer Includes 22 instructional videos, book templates, PDFs and checklists (this is so important you don’t miss anything), and even audio MP3 files.  Click HERE or on the image provided to learn more and order.  I want to help you get your book published.

The following are 44 Quotes and Leadership Gold from Johnny Hunt’s Timothy Barnabas Opening Session:

  1. “Is being a pastor a calling or a position?”
  2. “Have you ever been preaching and you were on but the church was not?”
  3. “I want to be as valuable as I can be and I want to live as long as I live.”
  4. “My first church was 35 in attendance… Left there running about 115.”
  5. “We build all our churches on evangelism. Evangelism is at a low time right now.”
  6. “If I stay connected to Jesus and the heart of God, I still have the capacity to love you.”
  7. “I serve Someone who was massively misunderstood.”
  8. “Fallen stars attract a lot of attention. But remember, look up and there are a billion still where they were placed.”
  9. “A real friend is when everyone walks out, they walk in.”
  10. “You can win people where you are. People are winnable.”
  11. “My first Sunday at Woodstock (First Baptist) was 180 (in attendance)… We baptized 379 in my second year… We had a 137 parking spaces and was running 1600.”
  12. “God’s not in the management business. I’m called to lead and you can’t lead without vision.  There’s no such thing as a leader without vision.”
  13. “Vision without a mission is a vision which will never have movement.”
  14. “I’m extremely comfortable raising money because deep in my heart, I’m a giver. Not a taker.”
  15. “When I’m raising money for my church, I’m raising for my King.”
  16. “More than instruction, most preachers need to be encouraged in what they already know.”
  17. “If you’ve got a book in you, write you. You write a book because God’s put something in you and you ought to produce it.”
  18. “I want to remind preachers that God supernaturally calls you to a place. And when He calls you that gives you sustainable power.”
  19. “Where God guides, God provides. In the Bible, God commissions and when you are faithful, God commands support.”
  20. “When all hell breaks loose, and it’s just a matter of time, anybody can quit. Persevere, stay in when you’re under it.”
  21. “When God commissions, God commands.”
  22. “Oswald Chambers died at 43 years of age in 1917 and he is still influencing people.”
  23. “Everyone should have a general in their life, further down the road, more experience, more stripes. You can’t learn from peers as much as you can from generals.”
  24. “The best thoughts have not been thunk.”
  25. “He will share His secrets with the upright.”
  26. “What if your obedience is the contingency for other people to obey?”
  27. “If you get sold out to God it will cost everyone close to you. Do you know it was more expensive to attend Woodstock than it did other churches?”
  28. “It ain’t about you. We’re part of a Kingdom.  We’re part of a body.”
  29. “I’ve got too much on my plate. Jesus said, ‘It’s not your plate.’”
  30. “It costs to count.”
  31. “The Kingdom Life – 4 words – If the Lord permits.”
  32. “I want to touch poverty. We support an unusual number of orphans.”
  33. “Do you tell the people what you’re looking for through the intentionality of your preaching?”
  34. “It’s not the truth you know. It’s the truth you obey.”
  35. “I don’t just want to believe right. I want my beliefs to lead me to live right.”
  36. “What is important to you (as a pastor) will be important to the people.”
  37. “If you live the Kingdom life you will realize you have treasures you need to give.”
  38. “You don’t have to be rich to be generous. You have to be generous to be generous.”
  39. “For many years, the #1 giving state in America was the poorest state in America.”
  40. “The average preacher does not say too much about giving.”
  41. “Never let your desire become greater than your delight.”
  42. “I want to give while my hands are warm.” – Bill Bright
  43. “Everyone who comes to your office you’re going to do two things – evangelize and disciple.”
  44. “God’s been good to me. He’s giving me more than I need.  But he’s shown me others who need it.”

What an incredible way to open the conference!

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.