5 Things Pastors Need To Reimagine As They Rebuild Their Churches – Jordan Easley’s Timothy Barnabas Closing Session

I have the privilege of being dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to spend a few days with approximately 100 pastors at this week’s Johnny Hunt’s Timothy Barnabas Conference. God never intended his children to walk through life alone. He has called each of us to walk alongside other believers and to encourage each other in the joys, trials and demands of the Christian life and ministry. That is the reason the ministry of Timothy+Barnabas exists.

Also, if you are reading this post, you have a deep interest in being a better leader.  God has also probably put a book in your heart.  If so, let me help you.  This is the system I used for my book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders and it will work for you.

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The final session was delivered by Jordan Easley, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Cleveland, TN.  His session was on 5 things pastors need to reimagine as they rebuild their churches post-COVID.

The following are 39 Quotes and Leadership Gold from Jordan Easley’s Timothy Barnabas Closing Session:

Opening Comments

    1. “Anytime I’m around a pastor I feel like I’m learning, I’m growing.”
    2. “In a church 170 years old, the last 12 months was our best year ever.”
    3. “It is time to reimagine everything.”
    4. “Every crisis is an opportunity. Don’t ever waste a crisis.”
    5. “This moment did not catch God by surprise. This season you are walking through in your life didn’t catch God by surprise.”
    6. “If God allows it, God has a purpose for it.”
    7. “It’s easy have confidence in God’s sovereignty when looking through the rearview mirror. God wants us to have that same confidence looking forward through the windshield.”
    8. “Every setback is a setup for a bounce-back. Bounce-backs don’t just happen.

5 Things To Reimagine As We Rebuild As Pastors

Reimagine Our Methodology

  1. “This season is an opportunity to reroute a few things.”
  2. “This pandemic is offering you an opportunity of a lifetime.”
  3. “We had to reimagine everything.”
  4. “The Church of Jesus Christ will not be censored.”
  5. “Don’t forget to bring your leaders with you.”
  6. “Our people are more open to pastoral leadership today than this time last year because there were a lot of people in pews who thought they were experts in how you do church.”

Reimagine Our Strategy

  1. “Every single vision needs a strategy.”
  2. “Strategy tells success where to go.”
  3. “We need to be strategic when it comes to our home life.”
  4. “Strategy is our diligence, it’s not our dependence.”
  5. “If we can achieve our goals without the power of God, our goals are too small.”

Reimagine Our Communication

  1. “Churches that thrive in a crisis are churches that are excellent in communication.”
  2. “Great communication isn’t talking.  It’s talking and the message being received.” – Charles Stanley
  3. “People receive information differently.”
  4. “How do people receive the message – ask them.”

Reimagine The Way We Lead

  1. “Leaders that please God are leaders that lead by faith.”
  2. “Anybody can lead when it’s easy to lead.”
  3. “Leadership that honors God is when leaders seek Him.”
  4. “Only when we are leading by faith do we put a smile on the face of God.”
  5. “We don’t work for people but we work for Him. “

Reimagine How You Care For Your Soul

  1. “If you don’t take care of yourself, who will?”
  2. “We have to find our perfect place of balance.”
  3. “Stop trying please everybody.”
  4. “Never sacrifice your family on the altar of ministry.”
  5. “Don’t give your church your best and your family your leftovers.”
  6. “You can con a con but you can’t kid a kid and a kid knows when you bring home your leftovers.”
  7. “Unplug when it’s possible.”
  8. “Your church can find another pastor but your kids can’t find another dad.”

Closing Thoughts


  1. “Stay on your knees.  Stay in the Word.  Stay silent and listen to the voice of God.  Stay accountable to others.  Stay focused on your mission.”
  2. “How am I going to maximize this moment?  We get one shot at this.  Let’s not blow it.”

This was an amazing conference!

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.