11 Qualities Pastors Should Look For In Members Of Their Inner-Circle

These are serious times and we need serious Christian leaders.  I have the privilege of dealing with pastors and church leadership teams on a daily basis.  As a result, I have seen the best and worst of leadership.

I have also noticed another trend over the last 50 years.

  • The focus on the first 25 years of that time was on content, what you say, specifically preaching and teaching Sunday School.
  • The last 25 years has been on creativity, what you do – finding the “Wow Factor.”
  • Because of what this has resulted in from a societal perspective, the next season of ministry will be focused on character – who you are and are you the type of person God will use to bring Him glory?

John Maxwell’s Law of the Inner Circle teaches that those closest to the leader will determine the leader’s success.  I could not agree more.  Pastors need to pray and ask for divine wisdom when determining who their primary influences are.

The following are 11 Qualities Pastors Should Look For In Members Of Their Inner-Circle:

  1. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Be Loyal – Being loyal does not make you a leader.  However, being disloyal disqualifies you as a leader.  I wish to add though that an inner-circle must not only be loyal to the leader, but equally important is their loyalty to the mission and vision of the church.
  2. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Hear From God – The primary responsibility of a pastor’s inner-circle is that they hear from God.  Their life is mark by holiness and brokenness before Christ.  In short, they are Godly people and it is obvious to everyone that those closest to you are also close to God.
  3. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Have A Biblical Worldview – Especially with the complex social issues pastors must deal with today, your inner-circle must process all decisions through a biblical worldview.  Their lives are submitted, popular or unpopular, to what is written in The Book.  BTW – the decision for how you handle many issues is predetermined by Scripture.
  4. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Be Generous – They must be financial investors in the ministry.  Speaking plainly, someone who doesn’t tithe should never be a part of a pastor’s inner-circle.  It is a clear sign they want influence without the investment.  They want a free-ride of influence with no cost or responsibility.  Also, where you treasure is, there your heart is also.  Sad fact, if they are not tithing, they are not with you.
  5. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Be Trustworthy – All relationships are built on a foundation of trust.  Trustworthy people do what they say they’re going to do.  Deadlines are met.  Promises are kept.  Also, they tell the truth.  Because your inner-circle is often speaking for you, your staff, key leaders and congregation must be able to trust and have full confidence in them.  When people talk to them, they are talking to you.
  6. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Evaluate All Successes And Failures Through Your Church’s Mission Statement – This removes personal agendas, misevaluations, and protecting of someone’s turf.  It also elevates organizational effectiveness over personal preferences or relationships.  Your inner-circle must have the wisdom to know if a person or initiative advanced the church’s mission and vision and make decisions accordingly.
  7. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Be Your Hardest Workers – They should arrive first and leave last.  Their work ethic will be the standard for your staff and leaders.  Your inner-circle should always smell like sweat.
  8. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Be People Of High Character – Your inner-circle must live set-apart lives.  Many spiritual leaders are no longer living lives which are a reflection of holiness.  A pastor’s inner-circle should never consist of people who cuss, get drunk, cohabitate, smoke weed, or have sex outside the confines of marriage.  Leaders always raise the bar.  It’s time to raise it in the area of personal behavior.
  9. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Be Leaders Of Leaders – Pastors should look at who the leaders in their church are following.  Great leaders attract great leaders.
  10. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Be People Of Prayer – Their default mode is to pray about everything.  Your inner-circle’s first thoughts should always be what does God say about an issue.  They should have calloused knees.
  11. Members Of Your Inner-Circle Must Have Permission To Tell The Pastor “No” – Benny Tate said in the post The Greatest Leadership Message I Have Ever Heard A Pastor Give – 7 Things Leaders Do That Hinder Their Churches, “You’re at dangerous place in your ministry when no one can tell you ‘No.’”

Notice I did not list talent.  God does not always bless talent, especially if a person’s life is marked by sin and foolish living.  However, God will always bless those fully-devoted to Him.

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.