12 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From A Quiet Place Part II

Welcome back!!!  This was the overall feeling from the moment I walked into the movie theater today to watch the highly-anticipated A Quiet Place Part II.  The young lady who scanned my movie ticket asked me what book I was reading (I always take a book to read before the movie starts) and even recommended some books in the same genre.  The movie previews included a “Welcome back” message.  And most importantly, the movie itself gave me a sense of normalcy.  It was great to be back!!!

If you haven’t seen A Quiet Place, you need to see it before viewing its sequel.  It is necessary for context and knowing the characters and storyline.  Also, make sure you read 10 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From A Quiet Place.

After an incredible opening flashback scene showing the arrival of the aliens, the movie picks up right where the first film left off after the death of husband and father, Lee Abbott played by the film’s director John Krasinski.

Here’s a quick synopsis of the movie: Surviving Evelyn Abbott, played by the incredible Emily Blunt, takes her newborn baby and two teenage children, the equally incredible Marcus (played by Noah Jupe) and deaf Regan (played by Millicent Simmonds) to the farm of family friend named Emmett (played by Cillian Murphy).  When ensues is one tense scene after another as each one fights for survival.

This movie will remind you of the original Jurassic Park.  Just think of the monsters as velociraptors and the Abbott family being the prey.  This movie is loud (and quiet), tense, starling, and how several surprises – particularly everything involving the island.  For more on this, just beware of the SPOILERS are ahead.

The following are 12 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From A Quiet Place Part II:

  1. Everything Rises And Falls On Leadership – If you want a great film, get a great producer, writer, director, and acting team.  What makes this movie so special is the directing of Krasinski and the acting of Blunt, June, Simmonds, and Murphy.  I thought Blunt deserved an Oscar nod for her performance in the first film.  Perhaps they will make up for that oversight this next time around.
  2. Every Leader Needs To Establish A Decision Grid For What They Are Facing – A decision grid is a process by which leaders create a system for dealing with issues which come their way.  In other words, if this happens I will do that.  What causes shock or indecision in a leader’s life is when they face something they have not predetermined how to handle.  The town’s people had never seen a fireball slowly coming out of the sky.  Therefore, they too did not know how to handle it.
  3. All Opponents Have Weaknesses – It is incumbent on leaders to find out what they are.  We learned in the first film the aliens were immobilized by high-pitched sounds.  In the second film we also discover they cannot swim.
  4. Tragedy Makes You Better Or Worse – Emmett told Evelyn, “The people who are left, they’ve become….”
  5. Every Life Has Value – When Regan left to find help for her mother and family, Evelyn implored Emmett to go find her.  He soberly said there are “people who aren’t worth saving.”  Evelyn disagreed and noted, “If he (Lee) was here he’d tell you my little girl is the type of girl worth saving.”
  6. People Can Become Desensitized To Chaos, Dysfunction, Tragedy And Death – As the teenager Regan searched for “the island”, she astonishingly passed through a train station calmly walking among multiple dead bodies.
  7. “Breathe” – This was the constant advice Evelyn gave her son Marcus in stressful situations.  Perhaps we should take the same advice in our post-pandemic world.
  8. People Can Be More Dangerous Than Monsters – Sad but true.  There is a brilliant moment in the film when Evelyn and Marcus are fighting of an alien.  Simultaneously, Emmett and Regan are fighting off a group of people mentioned in Point #4.  The movie’s editing goes back-and-forth between each issue.  Interestingly, both groups were in equal peril.
  9. Great Leaders Know Great Determination Is A Great Necessity – Once Emmett and Regan made it to an island haven (remember, aliens can’t swim so people are seemingly safe there), Emmett told a townsman about how they arrived.  Referring to Regan he said, “That’s determination.”  To which Emmett acknowledged, “That’s necessity.”  Sometimes leaders have no other choice but to have determination.  It’s simply a necessity.
  10. Leaders Make Things Happen – They are not passive.  Successful leaders are risk-takers and problem solvers.
  11. Leaders Are Always Advancing And Taking New Ground – Leaders never stay where they are at.  Passivity is not a problem for leaders.  They are always looking for new ground to conquer and make things better for those they serve.
  12. Leaders Always Find A Way – To survive, everyone in the film needed to find solutions to the issues they faced.  Leaders are resourceful.

Once again, the summer movies are back!!!  Go see A Quiet Place Part II.  You will have a great time and continue to regain a sense of normalcy.

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.