Live Blog – 41 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Dr. David Jeremiah’s 2021 Send Conference Closing Session

Over the next few days, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend the 2021 Reach Conference followed by the Southern Baptist Convention.  My objective here is to bring you the top leadership lessons and quotes from the event.

Send Conference is a gathering of pastors, families and churches across North America learning and celebrating what it means to be on mission together, for the sake of the gospel. With specialized tracks for every member of the family, you’ll gain the tools and connections to become a movement of people — the Church — sharing the gospel with a world in need.

Before getting to the content, I want to make you aware that this Thursday, June 17th at 11:00 AM EST my friends Joe Sangl and Michael Lukaszewski are hosting a FREE webinar entitled How Pastors Can Earn Extra Money.  Currently over 700 pastors are signed up!!!  This webinar is for pastors or church leaders looking to make more money on the side and have multiple streams of revenue while still serving their churches.  This teaching will help you relieve stress and focus more on your calling.  Click HERE to register.

The event concluded with the incomparable Dr. David Jeremiah discussing the primacy of sharing the Gospel.  It was simply outstanding!!!  The following are 41 leadership quotes from Dr. David Jeremiah’s Closing Session:

  1. “Over the past year most of us have been preaching to hurting people who have come to hear us. My father said when you preach to hurting people you will always have an audience.”
  2. “The Word of God is a great comforter.”
  3. “Now in the post-pandemic, I believe the Gospel needs to be replaced in the center of what we do.”
  4. “It’s time to get back to work and get out of our pajamas and get back to church.”
  5. “I want to remind you of the triumph of the Gospel and the power of it.”
  6. “The message of the Gospel is transforming.”
  7. “The Gospel has the power to change the trajectory of your life forever.”
  8. “Why would we ever want to preach anything else or get off on any other track?”
  9. “The message of the Gospel is expanding.”
  10. “We have never seen a moment in our preaching lifetime in which we are reaching more people.”
  11. “Preaching to nobody is not much fun. They then told I preached to over 100,000 people.  God must have a sense of humor.  What the devil meant for evil, God meant for good.”
  12. “It was like someone pushed a button and people were listening to the Gospel like never before.”
  13. “The Holy Spirit is on fire in Iran.”
  14. “The followers of the Gospel are maturing.”
  15. “While the world is worsening, God’s servants are increasing.”
  16. “The Gospel will triumph in the church if we just set it free.”
  17. “The Author of the Gospel is preeminent.”
  18. “Paul preached the Gospel and Paul preached Christ, crucified, dead, buried, rose from the dead, and coming again.”
  19. “If you’re a Christian and you’re a pastor, you understand that you can’t do one thing if you’re doing a lot of things… Sometimes the message of Christ gets marginalized if you have a lot of things going on.”
  20. “No more pulpit announcements. I’m going to preach when it’s time to preach.”
  21. “The main thing became more important. The preaching became more important because all the little things were no longer in the way.”
  22. “We need to preach the Gospel like we never have before.”
  23. “Preaching was Paul’s great passion.”
  24. “Every Sunday people leave our church knowing what they must do to become a Christian.”
  25. “We are not all called to become vocational preachers but we have all been called to preach the Gospel.”
  26. “We must preach the Gospel with our lips and with our lives.”
  27. “We will do more damage to the Gospel if we talk the Gospel if we don’t live it.”
  28. “The Gospel just isn’t just what you do, it’s who you are.”
  29. “There is no Gospel without words. Whoever said, ‘Preach the Gospel every day and if necessary, use words.’  Whoever said that is just wrong.”
  30. “We practice the Gospel with our love.”
  31. “We’re living in a world that is dominated by hate.”
  32. “Every day in San Diego we have a report of rage that winds up in death.”
  33. “You don’t know how far you can go until you’re challenged.”
  34. “Make sure when you come to the end of your life you come to the end of your list.”
  35. “We all have an assignment. We have something to do.  There’s a lot of quitting in churches today.”
  36. “You don’t have to get out of this world alive but you have to get your work done.”
  37. “None of us are Billy Grahams. He was unique.  But we have the same Gospel as Billy Graham.”
  38. “If I preach the Gospel, God will do things I can’t accomplish any other way.”
  39. “Preach the Gospel.”
  40. “Let other people be known for other things. Let’s us be known as people who preach the Gospel.”
  41. “I’m hearing you have some business to handle. Do that and get back to the main thing.”

Tomorrow begins the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Top 100 Leadership Quotes From 2020 is my latest ebook.  The wisdom contained in these pages from top business leaders, pastors, coaches, and superlative thinkers sustained countless leaders in the most turbulent year anyone can remember.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.