A Special Invitation to a Virtual Conference on Healthy Church Systems (Tuesday – Thursday, July 27 – 29, 2021)

Attention: Senior Pastors and Key Staff

I am excited to partner with Brian Dodd to extend this invite to a powerful online event on developing healthy church systems. As a reader of Brian’s blogs and posts, I know you care about leading a growing, healthy and Kingdom-impacting church.

And now, with all the post-Coronavirus challenges, this training is needed now more than ever. In fact, the entire focus of our 2021 Virtual Church Systems Check-up and Boot Camp is about preparing you with the systems-strength you need to not only come out of Covid but to thrive in the Post-Covid world.

And, because I want every pastor possible to attend, we have a special rate just for Brian Dodd On Leadership Readers where you can attend the full 3-day virtual conference for only $99 — the investment for our last in-person conference pre-Covid was $329.00 so you are saving a ton and there’s no travel (although we do plan to return the event to its long-term home at Walt Disney World, Orlando in 2022).

Why attend this training?I realize that we may have never met but since 2004, I have been helping churches develop healthy systems and have seen major breakthroughs with churches who feel stuck, plateaued or just want to grow “faster and healthier.” I’ve done this through coaching networks, 17+ books and big events like this one.

Who are the speakers?

Yours truly, Dr. Nelson Searcy — Founder of RenegadePastors.com
As “Lead Renegade Pastor” and founding pastor of The Journey Church, I’ve developed proven church systems that I will cover in-depth at this live event. These are systems I’ve used at my church and with over 3,000 other pastors who I’ve personally coached. I’m also the author of over 100 church growth resources and 17+ books, including The Renegade PastorThe Difference Maker and my latest, The Generosity Secret. My continued mission is to help church leaders like you cooperate with God in creating healthy, thriving churches!

Dr. Gary McIntosh — Professor of Church Growth and Leadership
Dr. McIntosh is a nationally and internationally known speaker, writer and professor. He will be teaching from his brand new book, The 10 Key Roles of a Pastor: Proven Practices for Balancing the Demands of Leading Your Church. He’s the recipient of the Donald A. McGavran Award as well as our Renegade Pastors Icon Award. He has authored over 25 books and over 300 articles on church growth, leadership and pastoral ministry.

Kerrick Thomas — Founder of Renegade Executive Pastors Network
Kerrick is the Executive Pastor at the Journey Church and leads The Journey’s largest location — The Journey NYC in Manhattan. He has co-authored Launch and Activate, as well as several small groups and leadership resources. He regularly leads coaching networks for Executive Pastors, Church Planters and Small Group Pastors.

Jason Hatley — Founder of Renegade Worship Pastors Network
Jason is Executive Pastor of Worship at The Journey Church and leads the Boca Raton, Florida campus. He invests in worship pastors around the country through coaching and resources. He has co-authored Engage and Revolve, as well as over a dozen worship leaders personal and ministry growth resources.

Plus more special guests! See full details and sign up right here:

What will you learn?

I’ll be teaching you all the proven, practical elements of each of the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church® AND the adjustments that need to be made now to the systems in the wake of the pandemic.

For each system, we will invest an hour to:
  • Explain the basics of the system
  • Examine best practices
  • Explore what changes need to be made (and what needs to stay the same) post-Covid

Get ready to dramatically improve each of these eight church systems – with just a few small tweaks and minimal time investment: 

Evangelism — What’s working NOW to reach lost people

Assimilation — How we move from first-time guests to members

Ministry — How we mobilize people and grow the volunteer culture at your church

Leadership — How we develop leaders at all levels or your church

Worship Planning — How we plan, implement and evaluate our services

Small Groups — What’s working now in motivating people to sign up and benefit from their small groups, especially the opportunities of online groups

Stewardship — How we develop extravagant givers at our church (and how to avoid fatal flaws during this challenging time)

Strategy — Needed now more than ever — how we constantly evaluate and improve our church, including the metrics that really matter and why you may be wasting time on the wrong things

You’ll receive the latest and most impactful lessons on ALL 8 systems — and how you need to adapt their implementation in the wake of the pandemic, Online Church and more!

At Boot Camp you will also receive a FREE 200+ page PDF course pack packed with my teachings on the 8 systems and the latest samples and documents that you can edit and use in your own church! You will be able to download and share this essential digital resource with other members of your staff and key volunteers.

Almost Full – and Early Bird ends Thursday, July 22: Click here to learn more or claim your spot.

We’re only 2 weeks away — and this event will sell out — don’t put off registering or you could miss out!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.