38 Leadership Quotes From Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference Closing Session On Infidelity

Today I will be bringing you the top leadership quotes and lessons from the main sessions of the 2022 Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference.  This is one of my must-attend events each year. The enemy seeks to destroy men, their marriages, and their families. All of us are guilty of letting our guard down at one time or another. We view ourselves as the hunter and provider for our family, but in reality, we are the ones being hunted.

The event’s closing session was conducted by, of course, Dr. Johnny Hunt.  Pastor Johnny is the Vice President of Evangelism and Leadership for the North American Mission Board.  Others.  That singular focus summarizes the contagious passion that “Pastor Johnny” has imparted to the countless lives across the globe his preaching and shepherding have touched.

Before getting to his thoughts, I want to further invest in you as a leader.  Everyone wins when a leader gets better.  That’s why I created The 2-Minute Leader Coaching Course.  These 11 modules will give you the exact tools needed to grow and develop into the type of leaders your organization desperately needs.

Take your leaders through this powerful 10-part video series and see the following results:

  • Provide key leaders with growth opportunity
  • Give you confidence in decisions being made by your team
  • Establish a healthy leadership development process
  • Develop a leadership pipeline
  • Create a leadership culture

The 2-Minute Leader Coaching Course is a great resource for equipping your team members to fulfill their unique roles and find purpose and meaning in their lives.  This is priced at $37 because I want to get it into as many hands as possible.  Click HERE or the image below or learn more and purchase.

Now on to Pastor Johnny’s comments:

  1. “Pastor, whatever is important to you is important to the people that you lead.”
  2. “The reason so many churches are struggling internally is because they’re not looking outwardly.”
  3. “I am what I am because of Jesus and Janet. Our wives make us or break us.”
  4. “My wife was 17 years old 17 days when I married her.”
  5. “Most people don’t believe in themselves. Most people find it difficult to find someone who believes in them.  Most people will bankrupt heaven and hell for someone who believes in them.”
  6. “Anybody can have an affair… The Bible says God is faithful. Not that you are faithful.”
  7. “There is always a narrow passageway of escape.”
  8. “Sin thrills. Then it kills.  It fascinates.  Then it assassinates.”
  9. “Begin with the end in mind. I don’t want to just finish well.  I want to finish strong.”
  10. “Next time you see a falling star, take a moment and see a billion staying right where God placed them.”
  11. “You never start out wanting to screw up.”
  12. “The Lord has given my wife a built-in Holy Ghost surveyance in my life.”
  13. “I’d rather die than be unfaithful to my wife.”
  14. “I want to live close and clean. If you don’t, you’ll live distant and dirty.”
  15. “The Reformers, the older they got the more they are aware of their depravity… It’s not a battle of your sex organs, it’s a battle of your mind. Your mind will crave something your body can’t deliver.”
  16. “Everything you are dealing with sexually, accelerates with alcohol.”
  17. “Alcohol stops your brake fluid.”
  18. “Drinking in moderation does not stop alcoholism. It’s the cause.”
  19. “Why would I go to a store and be filled with spirits, when I am to be filled with the Spirit.”
  20. “Affirm your Bible truth.”
  21. “Sin reduces you. Sin is in the reduction business.  Jesus is in the exaltation business.  Sin presses me down.  Jesus lifts me up.”
  22. “You’ve got to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God.”
  23. “Keep clear of her (the adulteress) and stay awake.”
  24. “The price of infidelity is high.”
  25. “The house of immorality is the vestibule to the funeral home.”
  26. “5 seconds after you died, you know exactly how you should have lived.”
  27. “Being sifted like wheat means your saved.”
  28. “Fidelity brings you satisfaction.”
  29. “Continue to love your doe when she becomes a deer because beauty is only skin deep.”
  30. “The longer I’m married to Janet the more I realize what a good Christian she is… I can only hope I’m as good a Christian as she is.”
  31. “The outward man is perishing.”
  32. “Not only should you love your wife, you should show it.”
  33. “I’m still vibrant at 69 and preaching the Gospel because I have a sense of humor.”
  34. “The adulterer watches the river turn into a sewer.”
  35. “The faithful husband sees the water turn into wine.”
  36. “Dialogue every day with your wife. Date your wife every week.  Depart once a quarter and get away with wife.”
  37. “Get away when your kids are little. They’re not smoking pot then.”
  38. “Your divine assignment is to get your kids to leave.”

What an incredible conference as always!!!  I can’t wait until next year!!!

The Top 75 Leadership Quotes From 2021 Part 2 is my latest ebook.  For many entering a post-pandemic environment, leadership looks completely different than the pre-pandemic world.  People are more broken now. They are more uncertain. Fear and anxiousness are unwelcome constant companions. Cultures are more unhealthy. Relationships are more dysfunctional.  Hope seems to be in short supply.  Every day seems to bring a new hacking, natural disaster, or unexpected calamity.

Therefore, the fundamentals of leadership are more important than ever. The quotes in this book deal with the basics of leadership.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.