How healthy is your church? (Understanding the Power of Systems)

Hi, I’m Nelson Searcy, founder of Church Leader Insights and the Renegade Pastors Network. Halfway through the year, I’m finding it’s the perfect time for a mid-year systems check-up…for the health of your church. 

But first, why are systems of important to growing your church in the first place?


Taking a step back for a moment, think about the system you have for getting dressed in the morning. You don’t put on your deodorant until you get out of the shower. You drink your coffee before you brush your teeth. Right?

There’s a system to the way you prepare yourself for the day that makes getting out of the house faster and easier. You also have a system for the way you organize your calendar. God even formed our bodies as a cohesive unit of systems. 

In the same way, you have a system for the way you prepare for a Sunday morning… even if you don’t realize it. 

S.Y.S.T.E.M. will Save You Stress, Time, Energy and Money. When your church’s systems are healthy you will see continuous results and have a greater impact in your community.

Good systems function under the surface to keep things running smoothly so that you can concentrate on more important priorities. We may not be aware of a good system when it’s running well, but there is no mistaking when something isn’t working like it should.

Can the same thing be true in the church? Well, after coaching over 3,500 pastors in all denominations, it’s clear that absolutely the secret to church growth lies in maximizing the church systems. 

We know that the church is a body, so it follows that the church also has systems working beneath the surface. Even if you don’t know how to identify those systems, much less keep them healthy, they are there, both simple and complex, ready to help you achieve God’s purposes for your church.


The eight systems of every church are interconnected. While some may be more developed than others, none of these systems can stand alone. And since a church is a living entity, like us, the well-developed systems run whether we are thinking about them are not. Still, to make sure that all of our church’s systems are running correctly, we should take them in for a periodic checkup.

Healthy churches have healthy systems. Eight systems, to be exact: 

1. Assimilation: How we move people from first-time guests to fully-engaged members

2. Evangelism: How we attract more unchurched and mobilize our people to reach more people for Christ

3. Stewardship: How we develop extravagant givers at our church

4. Ministry: How we mobilize people for significant ministry

5. Strategy: How we constantly evaluate and improve our church

6. Small Groups: How we fill and reproduce small groups at our church

7. Leadership: How we develop leaders at all levels of our church

8. Worship Planning: How we plan, implement and evaluate our services

All churches are made up of the same exact systems, even though we may view and utilize them in slightly different ways based on our individual calls to ministry. The question isn’t whether or not these systems are in place, but whether or not they’re being maximized.

There are simple ways to foster the full potential of your systems — and thereby the full redemptive potential of your church — no matter what stage each one is currently in. Whether your church is like a brand-new baby, just starting the journey of growth, or like a robust adult in the prime of life, its eight systems are in place, waiting to be maximized for life-changing results.

When your church’s systems are healthy you will see continuous results and have a greater impact in your community.

But after two years of the pandemic, slack has crept into our church systems — and wherever there is slack, there is lack. 


That’s why I invite you to bring your team to Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL for our 3-day Church Systems Check-up and Boot Camp on Wednesday, July 27 – Friday, July 29. It’s at this don’t-miss intensive event where I will reveal the latest and most impactful lessons on each of the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church®. From these 3 powerful days, you’ll walk away with a ton of easy-to-implement ideas and clear next steps for maximum growth! 

Go ahead and sign up now for this 3-day, nuts-and-bolts boot camp where you’ll train on current church systems applications and practical strategies that you and your team can take back and start implementing right away!

At my LIVE in-person Systems Boot Camp, you will: 

DISCOVER proven systems strategies and tactics

LEARN from pastors in the trenches like you 

MEET fellow pastors and share stories 

EXPLORE innovative ideas to implement quickly 

CONNECT with new solutions for your church 

MOBILIZE your team to improve your systems 

FIND new resources and services for your ministry 

MAXIMIZE the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church®

Whether you are brand new to the systems, or have been implementing them for years, you will get the essential tools you need to GROW like never before. 

I will spend an hour on each system:

20 minutes — Review of basic foundation

20 minutes — What’s been working today at The Journey and at churches in my coaching networks 

Last 20 minutes — How have these last couple of years impacted that particular system

Get ready to dramatically improve each church system — with just small tweaks and very little time! 

Click here to learn more about the eight systems that I will cover and how to register at Super Early Bird rates today — hurry, they expire on Friday, June 24th! 


Boot Camp is back in Orlando! Bring your spouse for FREE and your team at super low event rates when you sign up by THIS Friday, June 24th

Plus you’ll enjoy a completely renovated hotel just one mile from Walt Disney World, Orlando at the special low rate we’ve secured for you of only $79/night! You can even come early or stay late at this special rate. Once you register, you will receive complete hotel details but hurry, discounted rooms are limited and there are no guarantees after Friday! 

Click here to hold your spot before rates go up for Boot Camp and the hotel this Friday! 

Join me and your fellow pastors for this 3-day LIVE in-person event: 

Dates: Wednesday, July 27 – Friday, July 29, 2022

Times: Starts at 9:30am ET on Wednesday; Ends at 12:30pm on Friday, making it easy to travel out 

Super Early Bird rate ends Friday, June 24th — low rates for you and your whole team. See full details and sign up right here:

You and your whole team can attend this don’t-miss, intensive in-person event where I will reveal the latest and most impactful lessons on each of the 8 systems — with all the adjustments that need to be made coming out of COVID.

Looking forward to helping you maximize your church systems to grow a healthy church!  

Your partner in ministry,


P.S. Go ahead and access our 16-page PDF brochure now on all the Systems Boot Camp highlights — and why you need to join us in Orlando!

Click here to download the brochure now! 

And feel free to share the link with your team and other pastors you know. 

 Don’t miss Super Early Bird Rates, only thru THIS Friday, June 24th!

Questions or prefer to register by phone? Call us at 561.921.8488, ext. 2. 

Or Click Here to Secure Your Spot Now!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.