12 Benefits Church Volunteers Receive That People Who Only Attend Church Don’t

During the summer of 1986, I was working in a grocery store produce department while attending college.  This job came with the unbelievable benefit of one unpaid week of vacation per year.  So when that week came in July, I had a decision to make.  Instead of going to the beach for sun and surf, I chose instead to make the strategic decision to teach 2nd graders in Vacation Bible School at Calvary Baptist Church in Marietta, GA.

Little did I know how this one decision would put me on a path I continue on to this very day.  With the exception of two paid staff positions, I have served as a volunteer at my local church for the better part of the past 37 years!!!

One thing I’ve noticed at sporting events is that those in the stands pay to be there.  Those on the field…GET PAID!  In a similar manner, there are compensation and privileges set aside for only those who courageously choose to get out of stands, step on the field, and become volunteers at their local church.  Here is what my personal compensation package as a volunteer has been for well-over a quarter of a century:

  1. Greater Purpose – There are a number of important places a person can choose to serve at in the religious and non-profit worlds.  The needs are numerous.  As for me, I made the strategic decision to serve at my church because it was there where my efforts could be better leveraged and ultimately result in someone’s life being changed for eternity.  The local church is the only organization whose sole purpose is bringing dead people back to life.  The local church is a place where someone can be redeemed.
  2. Greater Perspective – Serving others has allowed me to focus on larger issues and others rather than always on myself.
  3. Greater Story – In addition to being part of larger issues, I know get to be part of a greater story.  I get to be a part of God’s story of His redemptive work in the world.
  4. Greater Relationships – There is relational bonding that happens when you’re “in the foxhole” and serve together.  I have made literally hundreds of personal connections and lifelong friends because of my volunteering efforts.
  5. Greater Self-Image – It may sound a bit narcissistic and egotistical but there is a healthy pride that comes from serving others.  I just feel better about myself when my life is used in a way that matters and makes a difference.  If you’ve served others, you know what I mean.
  6. Greater Relief – Living an internally focused life benefits no one.  Serving others relieves suffering, benefits the under-resourced, meets the needs of the marginalized, provides hope, and improves the quality of people’s lives.
  7. Greater Generosity – Generosity is time, talent and treasure.  Church volunteers give sacrificially of their time and talent BEFORE giving sacrificially of their treasure.  It is a sequential process.  By being generous with my time and talent, financial generosity has been a natural outflow.
  8. Greater Decision-Making Ability – When I used to teach Sunday School in college, I could have gone out every Saturday night with the guys.  However, I learned early in the process the best decisions come when you give up what is good (Saturday night with the guys) for what is best (studying on Saturday nights to serve others on Sunday mornings).
  9. Greater Intelligence – Being a quality volunteer requires sacrifice, study and preparation.  Volunteering at my church has made me smarter and a better strategic thinker.
  10. Greater Influence – My daughter knows nothing other than her parents serving others.  A privilege I never planned when I took my first volunteer role in 1986 was one day I would be passing on a legacy of service to the next generation.  Today she leads worship full-time in a building I was the campaign chair for.
  11. Greater Memories – “Days like today are when legends are made!”  This is what I tell our outside host team when it is raining or bitterly cold.  Being faithful when things are difficult gives you an opportunity to share stories for years to come.
  12. Greater Rewards – Like many of you, I look forward to the day when I hear my Heavenly Father say “Well done my good and faithful servant”.  Just to reiterate, those in the stands pay to watch the game.  Those on the field get paid!  The same is true for church volunteers.  If  you are not volunteering in your local church, it is time to get on the field and start getting paid with these incredible benefits I have listed.

I am so privileged God has given me the high-calling of being a church volunteer.

This same calling is available to everyone reading this article.  If you are not serving at your local church, I suggest you sign-up today to do so.

My latest eBook is available for download.  The Top 65 Leadership Quotes Of 2022 Part 1 is a resource every leader should have.  Great quotes bring clarity and put into words who we intuitively feel as leaders.  They give us wisdom and insights which advance the mission and vision of our organizations.  This eBook includes thoughts and insights from leaders like Warren Buffett, Nick Saban, James Clear, Dawn Staley, Jurgen Klopp, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Ted Lasso.  This resource will take you about 10 minutes to read but a lifetime to apply.  You will want to stop and ponder the implications of each quote.  Click HERE or on the image provided for immediate download!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.