42 Quotes from John Maxwell on his new book The 16 Laws Of Communication

Today I had the privilege of hearing Dr. John Maxwell speak at the Christ Fellowship Conference in West Palm Beach.  John was speaking on his upcoming book The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication: Apply Them and Make the Most of Your Message.  His session was absolutely amazing and I immediately pre-ordered his book!

For those of you who may be new readers of this site, John is my spiritual hero and I had the privilege of working for him fro a number of years.

Click HERE or on the image provided to get your copy releasing on March 28th.

To give you a preview, the following are 42 Quotes from John Maxwell on The 16 Laws Of Communication:

  1. “My name is John and I’m your friend.”
  2. “Warren Buffet said if there was one skill if people could improve, it would how to connect and communicate.”
  3. “I’ve spoken over 13,000 times.”
  4. “There are 5 essentials to communication – Who says it? What is said?  How it is said?  When it is said?  Why it is said?”
  5. “The Law of Credibility says your most effective message is the one you live.”
  6. “Authenticity in and of itself doesn’t guarantee success. But a lack of authenticity guarantees failure.” – Jamie Lee Kerma
  7. “You find your voice only when you’re authentic.”
  8. “God’s never hold us accountable for gifts we don’t have.” – Joyce Meyer
  9. “A thought-reader reads the thought and passes is along to someone else. A thought-leader reads a thought and it immerses itself in you.”
  10. “No one ever had morale authority quoting someone else.”
  11. “I prepare a message and then I prepare myself. Do I live this?”
  12. “At twenty-five I made the decision I would not preach what I do not believe.”
  13. “You cannot give what you do not have.”
  14. “I’m not going to teach it unless I live it.”
  15. “I don’t tell my vision. I live my vision.”
  16. “Leadership is visual. People do what people see.”

The 6-Step Credibility Journey

  1. I have to find myself.
  2. Knowing yourself.
  3. Be yourself.
  4. Improve yourself. Don’t improve who you are not.
  5. Get over yourself. I’ve never met a great communicator who it was all about them.
  6. Give myself. No one ever gave without getting over themselves first.


  1. “I like having people bigger and better than me around me. If you’re number one in your class, you’re in the wrong class.”
  2. “The Law of Preparation says you cannot deliver what you have not developed.”
  3. “Am I going to wing it or am I going to work for it?”
  4. “The problem with giftedness is there is a tendency to take shortcuts. The problem is you can do it and get by with it.”
  5. “Every time I speak I have two messages – my Best Message and Big Message.”
  6. “My Best Message is written on paper, it’s for the moment. It changes with the audienc.”
  7. “The Big Message is written in your heart. The Big Message never changes.  It’s your DNA.  It’s who you are as a communicator.”
  8. “What do I want the people to see, know, feel and to do?” – 4 separate questions fo know your Big Message
  9. “They come to hear you give the Best Message but they’re drawn to the Big Message.”
  10. “I want you to see your possibilities. I want you to know your value.  I want you to feel empowered.  I want you to apply and multiply.” – Applying the four questions.
  11. “Fans say only he can do that. Friends say I can do that.”
  12. “When I say something to business community I only have to say it once. Because it’s about money.  I’ve made successful people very successful.  The Christian community is about souls.  It’s sad the business community is attracted to money more than the Christian community is attracted to souls.”
  13. “The Law of Connecting says ALL about others.”
  14. “Make your first impression the true expression of who you are.”
  15. “I want friends, not fans. Success is a terrible separator.”
  16. “If you want to connect with people you have to intentionally connect with their world. You have to find people to lead people.”
  17. “Enjoy every experience. It’s just difficult when the communicator is not enjoying the experience.”
  18. “You don’t enjoy the experience until you get over yourself.”
  19. “You need to laugh at yourself a lot more because everyone else is.”
  20. “If you enjoy yourself, they enjoy you. If you can’t get over yourself, we are tired of you.”

I cannot overstate how impactful The 6-Step Credibility Journey was.  This will be a must-have book for anyone who communicates.  Once again, click HERE or on the image below to pre-order your copy.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.