49 Leadership Quotes and Lessons on Being a Godly Man from Dr. Crawford Loritts

A Non-PC Message

Be forewarned – this is not a PC passage.  Tonight, I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Crawford Loritts speak from Psalms 1:1-3 on being a Godly man.  Crawford is a dear friend and one of my heroes.  His book Leadership as an Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence is the greatest leadership book I have ever read.  I can’t recommend enough that you purchase a copy by clicking HERE.

49 Leadership Quotes and Lessons on Being a Godly Man

The following are 49 Leadership Quotes and Lessons on Being a Godly Man from Crawford Loritts I captured from tonight’s lesson:

  1. “Speaking is not giving a little talk. Your life is too precious for that.”
  2. “I’m concerned about the state of manhood in our society. There is a plague of passivity gripping us.”
  3. “Manhood has been neutered.”
  4. “Adolescence is lasting too long.”
  5. “There is fragility in men, an emotional thinness.”
  6. “Manhood is imprinted in the Bible. A man only knows he’s a man when someone tells him.”
  7. “We need to be the portrait of the desired destination at which the next generation should arrive.”
  8. “Being a man means embodying obedience and responsibility.”
  9. “There needs to be a revival of what it means to be a man.”
  10. “We have 50-60 year old men making immature and self-serving decisions.”
  11. “You don’t feel your way into manhood. You don’t affirm your way into it.  You decide your way into manhood.”
  12. “When I became a man, I put away…. I made a decision certain things were no longer age appropriate.”
  13. “When you’re born you look like your parents. When you die you look like your decisions.”
  14. “We are passive but life is not. Life is cruel.”
  15. “Your future is what you decide for it to be. We need to stop reacting to stuff and start responding to mission.”
  16. “What am I offering succeeding generations?”
  17. “You don’t meander your way into Christ-likeness.”
  18. “Discipleship is predicated on decision. Development is proceeded by decision, not the other way around.  You decide to be a disciple and operate from that decision.”
  19. “Your commitment to Christ is singular. It can’t be divided.  You have to decide.”
  20. “You have to decide what brand of Christianity do you want to have?… Or do you want a Lord and Savior who will give weight to your life at this point and time in human history.”
  21. “The world doesn’t need talks but transformed lives.”
  22. “No political party, no candidate, no system is going to bring the change needed in this country.”
  23. “Jesus is not looking for a coalition of people who will be contributors but an army of people who are all-in.”
  24. “The profile of a Godly person begins by choice, a decision.”
  25. “What you become is on the back-end of what you decide.”
  26. “Psalm 1 begins with the ability of avoid three competing voices – earthly worldview, does not absorb the lifestyle and influence of unbelievers, the activities of fools.”
  27. “Who are listening to? Who fills your head?  What are watching on TV?  Who gives you direction on your life?  Whose articulating your values?  These are not neutral.”
  28. “There is advice that sounds good but is not right.”
  29. “Some of us struggle with lifestyle choices and influences because we leave ourselves open to those influences. We refuse to get rid of those influences.  Some of us are not strong enough to be around certain people who don’t mean well.  Some of us need to change relationships.  How important is God’s mission in your life?”
  30. “I refuse to be brainwashed by a culture not anchored in truth.”
  31. “A fool is someone who knows what is right but refuses to do it.”
  32. “Scoffing is rooted in cynicism. It is making light or making fun of that which is sacred.  A Godly man doesn’t do that.  Why?  Because of what he chooses.”
  33. “If you make a choice not to do something, but don’t choose to do something else in its place, that is an exercise in futility.”
  34. “A Godly man chooses God’s Word to be his delight.”
  35. “If you’re married, you choose your wife to be your delight. You don’t have a lot of delights.  That’s called adultery.”
  36. “God’s Word is not a choice of nurturing, but THE choice. You have to decide.  Who do you want to be?”
  37. “Once you believe you are dead without the Bible, you’re lifeless without it, that you’ll be cherry-picked by the devil without it, it does something to you.”
  38. “To the average Christian the Bible is a point of reference. The problem is the Bible is not to be a point of reference but the context of my life.  It is my life.”
  39. “Meditating on it day and night implies absorption.”
  40. “These are not just words on a page. This is the voice of God.”
  41. “A Godly man decides, absorbs the Bible and lets it speak to him, and he becomes alive, fruitful, and with prosperity.”
  42. “A Godly man experiences life because he has chosen what is life-giving.”
  43. “He is planted by a place of nourishment and that nourishment causes him to be alive and steady. He is not in a fetal position.”
  44. “A Godly man has fruit needed for the season you are in.”
  45. “The prosperity for the Godly man is God’s favor in your life because you paid a price. You decided.  You ran from passivity.  You didn’t kick it into neutral.  You weren’t a cultural Christian.”
  46. “At any moment God can say, ‘Give me back my breath.”
  47. “The first place a man must lead is to lead his own life. That is where leadership begins.  I have to surrender my life to His authority.”
  48. “God giving you the power to be the person you were designed to be begins with surrender.”
  49. “When you’re born, you look like your parents. When you die, you look like your decisions.  What are we deciding to be?”

What is one thing you read from the list above which can help you become a Godlier man?

Also, my latest book Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress is available for purchase.  Production. Passion. Resilience. Teamwork. Contentment. Courage. Faith. These seven skills were embodied over three thousand years ago by a group of elite warriors known as David’s Mighty Men. These highly-capable individuals helped take David, the man who had previously defeated Goliath, from a wilderness experience to leading a nation. Did 2020 feel like a wilderness experience for you? So many people lost loved ones, opportunities, financial resources, careers, time, and much, much more during COVID. The worst thing many people lost was hope. COVID stripped away the non-essentials in our lives. It revealed how foolish pride, ego, and narcissism are. It made us question almost everything in our lives, including God himself. COVID brought us all to our knees in one form or fashion. I want you to know the same skills used by David’s’ Mighty Men still work today. In my new book Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress, I show you how applying these skills can help you become Mighty and move from the Pandemic to Progress.  Click HERE or on the image provided to order!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.