12 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Air: The Michael Jordan Movie

“A shoe is just a shoe until my son steps into it.” – Delores Jordan


Air, the new movie detailing Michael Jordan’s signing with Nike, is a challenge.  On one hand, it is a fascinating account of the business dealings which would result in Jordan becoming a cultural icon.  On the other hand, I did not see Scarface or Good Fellas, but I have never heard so many f-bombs in one movie.  In fact, there was enough foul language to illicit a well-deserved R-rating.

Many of you may wish to just wait until it comes to television where many of the words will hopefully be edited out.  But whether you see it now or later, it is an amazing leadership movie.


Here is the backstory – In 1984, Converse had 53% of the basketball shoe market.  Adidas had 29% with Nike having only 17%.  Nike’s Board was considering closing its basketball shoe division but Sonny Vaccaro, played brilliantly by Matt Damon, had great belief that a young guard from North Carolina named Michael Jordan was the answer to their problems.

Air tells the story of Vaccaro’s dealings with Nike executives, the Jordan family, and Jordan’s agent David Falk and overcoming industry behemoths Converse and Adidas.

12 Leadership Lessons

The following are 10 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Air: The Michael Jordan Movie:

Know Your Audience

Howard White, the man who would become Vice President of the Jordan Brand and played by Chris Tucker, told Vaccaro, “Black people don’t jog.  You’re not going to see a black man running 26 miles for no reason.”  When asked how he signed Moses Malone, he said, “Going through the mamas.  The mamas run things, especially in black families.”

Great Ideas Can Come From The Most Unlikely Sources

Great ideas can come from anywhere so you must always be on the lookout for them.  ‘Just Do It’ reportedly came from a convict on Death Row.

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It’s Not Easy To Spot Talent

One of my favorite scenes was a Marketing meeting led by Rob Strasser, Nike’s Director of Marketing and played by Jason Bateman.  Not thinking they had a chance at Jordan, it is humorous today to look at the following comments made by their team:

  • “What about Lancaster Gordon?”
  • “No one wants to see (Charles) Barclay on TV.”
  • “What’s Gonzaga (where John Stockton attended)?  A vocational school?”

One quote which got the most attention was when someone said, “I like Melvin Turpin.”  Vaccaro simply could not take it anymore.  He asked in disgust, “What do you like about his game?”  When no logical answer was given Vaccaro walked out of the room in disgust.

It’s Even Harder To Properly Evaluate Talent

To see greatness you often have to look through a completely different lens than others do.

Vaccaro watched the video of Jordan’s championship shot as a freshman against Georgetown.  Vaccaro noticed star-player James Worthy running into the paint to clear the path for Jordan to get the shot.  Only two people noticed this – Vaccaro and UNC head coach Dean Smith who put the biggest moment in the biggest game of his career into the hands of a freshman.

Vaccaro and Coach Smith knew what was inside Jordan.  But the other Nike executives did not.  Neither did the Houston Rockets or Portland Trail Blazers who drafted in front of the Chicago Bulls.  In fact, no teams attempted to trade up to get Jordan.  Expectations for Jordan as a rookie were to average maybe double-figures.

No one saw what Vaccaro saw in that video, except he and Dean Smith.

Do Whatever Is Necessary To Add The Right Leader To Your Organization

Sometimes, when the right leader comes along you have to put all your chips in the center of the table in hopes of securing that individual’s services.

When it appeared Nike would be unable to even get an interview with Jordan, Vaccaro went against the wishes of Strasser, Falk, and risked committing career suicide to visit Jordan’s home in Wilmington, NC.

Later, Vaccaro talked Nike founder and CEO Phil Knight into investing that year’s entire basketball budget of $250,000 into a single player (Jordan) rather than signing three players hoping one would be a star.  In addition, they would pay all fines levied by the NBA for the shoe having too much red on it.

Finally, to seal the deal with Jordan, Knight had to agree to something no one had ever done and would forever change the industry.  He gave Jordan a percentage of every sale of an Air Jordan product.  As Michael’s mother Delores, played by the incredible Viola Davis, said, “You eat, we eat.”  She added, “Every once in a while someone special comes along to force wealthy people to part with wealth out of greed.”

Knight ultimately acknowledged, “You’re known for the rules you break…. that’s how I built this company.”

Your Level Of Expectation Determines Your Level Of Preparation

You can always tell how much someone cares about a meeting or presentation by how much time they spent preparing.  And here is the reality, you will immediately know during the person’s presentation how much they valued their time with you.  Strasser, Vaccaro and the Nike team spent an extensive amount of time preparing for the presentation to Jordan and his family.

The Importance Of Core Values

Nike’s core values were displayed prominently in Knight’s office.  These values were not just decorative, they guided all decisions the executive team made.

Everyone Needs Someone To Believe In Them

I previously mentioned how Vaccaro saw something in Jordan few did.  White would say to him, “All that matters is how much you believe.”  Vaccaro’s belief was so deep he risked his career on him.

When he would eventually sit down with Mrs. Jordan, he said, “Ask me why I’m in Wilmington?  I believe in your son (and his greatness) and I believe you’re the only one who knows it.”

Apply Skill to Task

For the Jordan presentation to be successful, they had to create a mock-up of the coolest basketball shoe ever made.  It was time for Strasser and Vaccaro to visit “the guy in the basement.”  The guy in the basement was Peter Moore, the man who was Nike’s Creative Director and designed the red basketball shoe and Jordan logo.

Great Leaders Cast BIG Vision

It was the vision Vacarro had for Jordan and his belief in him which ultimately secured his services.  Vacarro turned off a video of Jordan’s highlights, looked at him and said the following:

  • “Money can’t buy you immortality.”
  • “It’s an American story and that’s why they’re going to love you.”
  • “You’re Michael Jordan and you’re going to make us want to fly.”

Nike founder and CEO Phil Knight then presented the offer by saying, “Nike has been in search of its basketball star and we believe you’re that star” as he slid their proposal across the table.

The Responsibility Of Leadership

Prior to the presentation Sasser said to Vacarro, “I just want Avery to love me and I just want to keep my job.”  You see, Sasser was recently divorced and only saw his daughter every other weekend.  When he saw her, Sasser would give her a pair of Nikes and she thought her dad was so cool.  Vaccaro responded, “We must take risks.”  To which Sasser said, “Spoken like a man without a 7-year-old.”

As the team was later awaiting Jordan’s decision, Vacarro walked out and looked at Nike’s entire basketball division.  He was feeling the weight of the entire team.  If they did not sign Jordan, everyone would likely lose their job.  Every leader understands this weight of responsibility.

As an aside, I once had a company president say to me, “When I look at my team I see fifty mortgages.”

The Answer To Every Problem Is A Person

If you are facing a major challenge in your organization, the answer to your problem is likely found in a person.  The most Nike expected in shoe sales was $3 million.  In the first year, Nike sold $162 million of Air Jordan brand shoes.

Today, Nike does $4 billion annually in Air Jordan merchandise.  Jordan himself makes $400 million per year in passive income from the sales.

As Mrs. Jordan said, “A shoe is just a shoe until my son steps into it.”

10 Additional Great Leadership Quotes

  1. Phil Knight said, “The illusion is the finish line is the destination.  There is no finish line.”
  2. Vaccaro said, “A lot of people can climb a mountain.  It’s the trip down that breaks them.” – Vaccaro
  3. “In the first half of the speech he knew the audience wasn’t with him.  He changed the whole second half.” – George Raveling on the “I Have A Dream Speech”
  4. “Don’t confuse desperation with vision.” – Knight

Air is a great leadership movie, but don’t confuse it with a family film.

My latest eBook is available for download.  The Top 65 Leadership Quotes Of 2022 Part 1 is a resource every leader should have.  Great quotes bring clarity and put into words who we intuitively feel as leaders.  They give us wisdom and insights which advance the mission and vision of our organizations.  This eBook includes thoughts and insights from leaders like Warren Buffett, Nick Saban, James Clear, Dawn Staley, Jurgen Klopp, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Ted Lasso.  This resource will take you about 10 minutes to read but a lifetime to apply.  You will want to stop and ponder the implications of each quote.  Click HERE or on the image provided for immediate download!


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.