13 Signs Your Organization Has A Healthy Learning Culture

Let’s combine two leadership concepts.

First is culture.  Seth Godin says, “Culture is 11 words – This is who we are and this is what we do.”  Second, is continual learning.  Smart leaders are passionate about personal growth and part of growth is constant learning.

Combining these two fundamental leadership concepts results in the creation of a learning culture.

Recently, I saw a video produced by the Aspen Group which provided a masterclass on creating a healthy learning culture.  Watch the video below.  We will then focus on the first 1 minute 20 seconds and discover 13 Signs Your Organization Has A Healthy Learning Culture:

Profile Of An Organization With A Healthy Learning Culture

Before unpacking what makes a healthy learning culture, if you are not familiar with Aspen Group you should be.  As you saw in the video, they have a team of skilled craftsmen with high competence, great creativity, and a servant’s heart.  If your church has any upcoming design/build needs, click HERE and start a conversation with them.  You’ll be glad you did.

As the video begins, we heard from Project Manager Sheree Coffman and Ministry Space Strategist Greg Snider.

Sheree said, “We actually had our project team and some guests, as well, from other parts of the company, come and visit with us so we could tour them around the building, talk about some issues and lessons learned, just get good feedback on what we’re seeing across the company, also talking about wins and good things and good design so we can share it across the board so people can use that for future projects.”

Greg said, “At Aspen, we have an ‘always learn’ culture.  We just love to learn from the mistakes that we made and the wins that we’ve had.  And every project, there’s something that can be learned and there’s something that can be improved upon.  And so, especially with cross-functional teams and separate offices and separate studios, to bring folks together to see projects maybe they weren’t even a part of.  And so, people so close to a project, people on a team that do a project, maybe miss some things.  That they’re not asking all the right questions, they’re not learning all they could learn.  So to bring others in and walk them through what we’ve done and let them get into our minds and challenge us on what we did and why we did it and what worked and what didn’t work.  It’s just a great day of learning.”

From their thoughts we learn 13 Signs Your Organization Has A Healthy Learning Culture:

  1. A Healthy Learning Culture’s Ideas Originate From Those Closest To The Customer – When you have office and field personnel, a critical mistake can be made.  Procedures and most ideas should originate from the field (those closest to the customer) and then be implemented by the office.  The office (those farthest from the customer) should never dictate to the field what are best practices.  Smart leaders know you gather information at one level (the field) and make decisions at another (the office).  Sheree said, “We actually had our project team and some guests, as well, from other parts of the company, come and visit with us so we could tour them around the building.”
  2. A Healthy Learning Culture Talks About Issues And Lessons Learned – Sheree continued, “talk about some issues and lessons learned.”
  3. A Healthy Learning Culture Proactively Seeks Feedback – They don’t wait for issues to bubble up to the surface.  Sheree added, “just get good feedback on what we’re seeing across the company.”
  4. A Healthy Learning Culture Autopsies Success As Well As Failure – Leaders of healthy learning cultures understand the importance of learning from success as well as failure.  This is because when you lose momentum, you know what is needed to get it back.  Sheree noted the team was “also talking about wins and good things and good design.”
  5. A Healthy Learning Culture Helps Ensure Future Success – Sheree concluded they do all of this “so we can share it across the board so people can use that for future projects.”
  6. A Healthy Learning Culture Makes Continual Learning A Core Value – Greg said, “At Aspen, we have an ‘always learn’ culture.”  They even gave their value a name.
  7. A Healthy Learning Culture Is Made Up Of People Who Love Learning – The most successful organizations view failure completely differently than unsuccessful ones.  They view failure merely as a data point to be learned from.  He added, “We just love to learn from the mistakes that we made and the wins that we’ve had.”
  8. A Healthy Learning Culture Is Where People Feel Something Can Always Be Learned –   This is the essence of continual learning.  Greg noted, “And every project, there’s something that can be learned.”  This is also a sign a great humility.
  9. A Healthy Learning Culture Focuses On Continual Improvement – Greg continued, “there’s something that can be improved upon.”
  10. A Healthy Learning Culture Is Made Up Of People Learning From Each Other – Humble leaders know you can learn something from anyone.  Greg observed, “And so, especially with cross-functional teams and separate offices and separate studios, to bring folks together to see projects maybe they weren’t even a part of.”
  11. A Healthy Learning Culture Recognizes You Can Get Too Close To A Problem And Miss Something – This is a lesson only elite leaders know.  You can get too close to a problem or situation and not see the forest for the trees.  Greg acknowledged, “And so, people so close to a project, people on a team that do a project, maybe miss some things.  That they’re not asking all the right questions, they’re not learning all they could learn.”
  12. People Challenge Each Other’s Ideas In A Healthy Learning Culture –  Iron sharpens iron.  Greg began to sum up his thoughts, “So to bring others in and walk them through what we’ve done and let them get into our minds and challenge us on what we did and why we did it and what worked and what didn’t work.”
  13. Working In A Healthy Learning Culture Is A Privilege – Greg spoke for the entire Aspen team when he closed his thoughts with “It’s just a great day of learning.”

It’s been a great day of learning for us as well.  Thank you to the Aspen Group for showing us what a healthy learning culture looks like.  What is one thing you learned from this wonderful organization you can implement to improve in this area?

The Top 60 Leadership Quotes From 2021 Part 1 is my latest ebook.  For many entering a post-pandemic environment, leadership looks completely different than the pre-pandemic world.  People are more broken now. They are more uncertain. Fear and anxiousness are unwelcome constant companions. Cultures are more unhealthy. Relationships are more dysfunctional.  Hope seems to be in short supply.  Every day seems to bring a new hacking, natural disaster, or unexpected calamity.

Therefore, the fundamentals of leadership are more important than ever. The quotes in this book deal with the basics of leadership.  If you want to be the best leader you can possibly be, click HERE or on the image provided to download this FREE resource.  The lessons learned from last year, if applied, will sustain you for years to come.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.