I want to wish all fellow dads a Happy Father’s Day! Of all my leadership roles, being a father is my absolute favorite. As a tribute to you on this very special weekend, the following is an excerpt from my best-selling book Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress.
If you need a last-minute Father’s Day gift, Kindle versions are available for immediate download for only $8.99 by clicking HERE or on the image provided. Paperback copies are available as well.
God bless my fellow fathers and enjoy the 25 Characteristics of Highly Effective Fathers!!!
25 Characteristics of Highly Effective Fathers
I love being a father. The purpose of the family is for procreation and the proclamation of the Gospel by passing it from one generation to the next. With this in mind, the following are what I have found to be twenty-five practices of highly effective fathers:
- Highly effective fathers love Jesus. You cannot be the most effective earthly father possible if you do not have a healthy relationship with your heavenly Father.
- Highly effective fathers love the Scriptures. Godly fathers instill in their child’s lives a love of the Scriptures and elevate the Scriptures to a point of primacy.
- Highly effective fathers have fun with their children. Children truly are a treasure from the Lord. Enjoying your children and having fun is a choice. Being a parent can be tough, but I choose to enjoy the times I have with my daughter.
- Highly effective fathers are not passive. They actively engage their children’s lives. Men have been fighting passivity since the Garden. Effective fathers are always present.
- Highly effective fathers protect their families. They would literally die for them.
- Highly effective fathers sense and seize opportunities with their children. As a parent, the days are long, but the seasons are short. We are not promised tomorrow and must take advantage of every possible moment to connect with our children.
- Highly effective fathers make wise decisions. When we are on our death beds and preparing to take our last breaths, our thoughts will not be on work-related items. Each day we have a choice. Are we going to love that person in front of us or not?
- Highly effective fathers are highly motivated. Being a parent can be tiring. We must often summon up every last bit of energy we have to be fully present.
- Highly effective fathers leave a godly legacy. There are many competing voices in a father’s life. It is the equity in the relationships you build up with your children over the years that is the most important thing in parenting.
- Highly effective fathers celebrate milestones. Birthdays, anniversaries, family vacations, holidays, and yes, weddings are a big deal. Highly effective fathers celebrate these days and make them memorable.
- Highly effective fathers deeply love their children’s mother. There is a good chance that all men, if we’re lucky enough to live long enough, are going to need our wives to help us get dressed one day. There are few pictures in this world more beautiful than this type of lifelong sacrificial love.
- Highly effective fathers model the type of man their daughters will one day marry. Men, do you want your daughter to marry someone just like you? The reality is she most likely will. I speak from experience.
- Highly effective fathers sing and dance with their daughters. It makes her feel like Cinderella.
- Highly effective fathers are noticed by the world. In a time when selfish and dysfunctional behavior are the norm, emotionally healthy fathers who put Christ and their families first are noticed by everyone in their sphere of influence.
- Highly effective fathers are generous. Parenting is expensive. Medical bills, schooling, weddings, shoes and apparel, sports, and other items come with a high price. Anything valuable costs money. Highly effective fathers are willing to pay whatever price is necessary to bless their children.
- Highly effective fathers honor their parents. They model how to love the different generations within the family
- Highly effective fathers do not discourage their children.
- Highly effective fathers do not provoke their children to anger. They aren’t jerks to their children.
- Highly effective fathers are effective providers. They do what is necessary to put food on the table.
- Highly effective fathers bring stability to their homes. Great fathers are men of peace and love.
- Highly effective fathers are disciplinarians.
- But highly effective fathers are also compassionate.
- Highly effective fathers are effective teachers. You can be a teacher and not a great leader. But you cannot be a great leader without being a great teacher. You must show your children not only where to go but also equip them on how to get there.
- Highly effective fathers create generational wealth.
- Highly effective fathers love their children unconditionally. For many fathers, everyone wants something from them. Their relationships are transactional. They are conditional and based solely on performance. For fathers, there is great comfort and safety, which can only be found in a loving home.
Fathers, how did you measure up to this list twenty-five practices? What areas can you improve on starting today?
My latest eBook is available for download. The Top 65 Leadership Quotes Of 2022 Part 1 is a resource every leader should have. Great quotes bring clarity and put into words who we intuitively feel as leaders. They give us wisdom and insights which advance the mission and vision of our organizations. This eBook includes thoughts and insights from leaders like Warren Buffett, Nick Saban, James Clear, Dawn Staley, Jurgen Klopp, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Ted Lasso. This resource will take you about 10 minutes to read but a lifetime to apply. You will want to stop and ponder the implications of each quote. Click HERE or on the image provided for immediate download!