7 Indicators of a Fully-Trained Disciple of Jesus Christ

“A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” – Luke 6:40

A PCR Report

For nearly 8 years our son, Zach has been a licensed Paramedic in the State of Georgia and Nationally Certified Paramedic.  One of his important job responsibilities is to write and maintain accurate, high-quality and detailed documentation regarding the patient’s he cares for on his EMS calls.  These are referred to as “PCR” reports (patient care reports).  At a minimum, there are seven marks or key elements that are identified as essentials for documenting a well written and complete “PCR” narrative.  They are . .

• Dispatch and Response Summery

• Scene Summary

• Patient Physical Exam Summary

• Interventions Summary

• Status Change Summary

• Safety Summary

• Disposition Summary

Yes, Paramedics (and all Healthcare Providers) have a responsibility to provide high-quality, accurate and detailed summaries of all patient encounters.  These components and indicators are vital in evaluating a quality “PCR” report.

7 Indicators of a Fully-Trained Disciple of Jesus Christ

In a similar way, there are seven vital key components or indicators of a “Fully Trained” disciple of Christ who is replicating the “Conduct” of Christ in their daily life.  Observe closely . .

Member (Do I belong to a local church by being in a large group weekend environment and prioritizing a small group environment?)

Magnifier (Am I spending time worshipping God in private when I’m alone, and in public in my local church?)

Minister (Am I meeting the needs of people in my local community, in my occupation, and in my local church?)

Maturing (Am I spending time alone with God, growing in my Fellowship and Faith with Him through reading, studying His Word, and prayer?)

Manager (Am I managing my time, my calendar, my talents, my relationships, my treasure and my body in a God honoring way?)

Messenger (Am I actively seeking out opportunities to share God’s message of love and salvation with others, inviting someone to church, small group, or discipleship group?)

Multiplier (Am I leveraging my influence by reproducing & multiplying more disciples with the life and time I’ve been given here on earth, am I making disciples that make disciples?)

Listen Closely:  If your target is to become a “Fully Trained” disciple, then all seven marks of Christ should be present in your life.  You will want to be a member, a magnifier, maturing, a minister, a manager, a messenger, and a multiplier.  These seven marks may not be all the marks of a “Fully Trained” disciple, however all seven marks are evident in Jesus life, evident in the disciples life, and evident in the life of the Church.  Not one time in the past two-thousand years has being a disciple not included these seven marks of Christ’s life.  That should give you the motivation to want those marks present in your life.

What does your “PCR” report indicate about your life as a “Fully Trained” disciple?

Love God.  Love People.  Live Sent.

Be Worth Being,

Kevin Burrell – Chicago White Sox scout and 2023 Georgia Scouts Association Hall of Fame

The Perfect Discipleship Resource for a Sermon Series, You Personally, or Your Study Group

If you are looking for the perfect resource to fully-train disciples at your church, I recommend the 7-week book and study resource Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress.  Production. Passion. Resilience. Teamwork. Contentment. Courage. Faith.  These seven skills were embodied over three thousand years ago by a group of elite warriors known as David’s Mighty Men.  These highly-capable individuals helped take David, the man who had previously defeated Goliath, from a wilderness experience to leading a nation.

Each chapter contains discussion questions which are perfect for group or individual study.  In addition to being an enjoyable read, Mighty will provide you the tools necessary to become a disciple who makes disciples.  Jesus had his disciples.  David had his mighty men.  Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress will help you make disciples who make disciples.

Click HERE or on the image provided to order your copies TODAY!!!


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.