An 8-Step Process for Leadership Development I Learned from Nick Saban

You never have enough leaders.  Therefore, a systemized process for leadership development is key to the sustainability of any organization.

Click the video below for 83 seconds of leadership greatness from Coach Nick Saban.  After watching, I will provide an 8-Step Process for Leadership Development I gleaned from his staff meeting.

1. Communicate with Clarity, Introduce Accountability Early

Leaders should always be crystal clear on the organization’s direction and what is required for success.  This provides intentionality, focus, guardrails, and security for potential leaders.  Afterwards, they hold them accountable to those items.

Coach Saban began by asking, “One thing I didn’t understand last night is we’re not doing these half-line drills and stuff today in walkthroughs?”  Upon receiving an unacceptable response, he asked, “So we didn’t show them the organization of that last night?”

Note how Coach Saban introduces accountability early into this process.  This establishes culture and expectations.

2. Teaching > Screaming

Saban then delivers a masterclass on leadership development.  Rather than having an outburst of anger (I’m sure that happens as well), he uses this as an opportunity to teach the purpose of meetings and how they help make for a more efficient practice.

There is power in a whisper.  People lean forward and listen more intently.  People who whisper are measured in their words which gives them more meaning.

When developing leaders, expect missed expectations.  It is part of the learning cycle.  So rather than screaming, use those times as teaching opportunities.

3. Wasted Time = Wasted Opportunity

People are your most valuable resource but time is a close second because when it is gone, it cannot be replaced.

Coach Saban understands this.  He guards literally every second of practice and teaches his staff the importance of doing the same.  Four minutes of explaining how to do a drill rather than four minutes of doing the drill is unacceptable.

Four minutes may not seem like a lot but to high-achievers like Coach Saban, a misuse of that time is poor stewardship and wasted opportunity.  Wasting time is missing the target.

4. Leverage Meetings

Coach Saban said, “Everything should get explained and shown to a player in the meeting.”  Meetings are for teaching purposes and processes.  It was where the why and how are communicated.  Meetings are mental.

He also recommends using pictures or images to drive home the message.

5 – 7. A 3-Step Escalating Meeting Process

First are meetings where purposes and processes are taught.  Coach Saban elaborates, “Then it should get walkthrough.  Then we actually have practice.”

Here is a 3-Step escalating process for developing leaders:

  • Meetings.  These are instructional.
  • Walkthroughs.  This is practice at a slower speed to gain confidence.
  • Practice.  This is operating at game speed.  Practice is also where you make mistakes so you do not make them in the game.

Let’s now apply this to your business.  Say you are in sales.  Meetings are for accountability, product knowledge, and teaching the best sales techniques.  Walkthroughs is your personal study time and mentally going through your presentation.  Practice is intense role play.  It should like a real-life situation.

8. Reinforce The Message

Coach Saban concludes by saying, “It’s about five different opportunities for them to learn how to do it but it starts with showing them in the meeting… Everything gets taught in the meeting.”


If you want to begin a leadership development process, this video provides the following template:

  1. Clarity for Direction
  2. Accountability Introduced Early
  3. Teach Fundamentals
  4. Use Time Wisely
  5. Leverage Meetings for Instruction
  6. Walkthroughs for Reps and Confidence
  7. Practice at Game Speed
  8. Reinforce the Message

Free Nick Saban Ebook

To receive more leadership insights from Coach Saban, click HERE or on the image to the left for my new ebook The Leadership Of Nick Saban: Timeless Truths From The Incomparable Head Coach Of The Alabama Crimson Tide.  This is an invaluable resource for both sports fans or anyone interested in organizational leadership.  Enjoy!




Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.