FREE Webinar this Thursday: What’s Working Now in the Systems?

Summer’s officially here and it’s the perfect time for some critical evaluation. 

That’s why THIS Thursday Nelson Searcy is leading a brand new online event to help you re-examine and update your church systems — and position yourself for major growth the rest of the year! 

Join Nelson this Thursday, June 27 for a 90-minute webinar, What’s Working NOW: Updating the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church for Today.  

It’s also FREE for you to attend ($49.00 value)…but space is limited to the first 100 Senior Pastors who RSVP

Click here to learn more and save your FREE spot now!

Join Nelson as he walks through each of the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church and points out upgrades needed today post-Covid and where to find maximum fruit inside each system.

This will be based on what they are doing at the church where he pastors, where they’ve seen record post-Covid growth, and gleanings from his top coaching alumni from the 4,000+ churches that he’s coached on the systems.

You’ll walk away knowing: 

– where to maintain focus

– where to consider adjustments or additions and 

– where to focus your energy for the most fruit 

Your 90 minutes together will be time loaded with reminders, new ideas and encouragement for making the greatest Kingdom Impact possible. And the mid-year mark is perfect timing. 


When you register now, you’ll also be able to get an immediate FREE e-book on the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church ($23.95 value), plus Nelson Searcy’s audio resource Reaching Your Community Through Servant Evangelism ($49.95 value).   


And when you show up and stay to the end of the 90-minute training, you’ll also receive another practical audio resource, The Big Day ($49.95 value). And you’ll be entered to win a FREE $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Join a great group of high-achieving pastors THIS Thursday for this brand new FREE training to help you make this next season of ministry a season of growth!

And go on and also forward this link to your staff and other pastors you know who could benefit from updating their systems.

Special Training Event THIS Thursday, June 27th — FREE Registration But Spots are Limited! 

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.