A Great Talent Becomes Available

In Andy Martino’s outstanding book The Yankee Way: The Untold Inside Story Of The Brian Cashman Era we are introduced to former player and scout Tim Naehring.  In 2007, a shake-up in the Cincinnati Reds organization left Naehring without a job.  However, Naehring was not unemployed long.  Because of his reputation for identifying talent and excellent relational skills, he was immediately employed by Cashman and Yankees pro scouting director Billy Eppler.

Eppler discussed what made Naehring such a valuable addition to the team.  He said, “He had his playing experience and a general thoughtfulness.  He doesn’t run with the first idea or the first thought or the first evaluation.  He thinks his positions through.  He asks critical questions of himself before presenting an opinion or an evaluation.  That mindfulness sticks out.  You stack that on top of a playing career, and he’s just really somebody who checks a lot of boxes.  He brought a diversity of thought and a really well-rounded approach to his role.”

7 Qualities of an Influential Leader

From Eppler’s comments, we learn the following seven qualities of an influential leader.  First will be the quality followed by the supporting comments.

  1. An Influential Leader Has Domain Experience – “He had his playing experience”
  2. An Influential Leader Is Thoughtful – “and a general thoughtfulness.”
  3. An Influential Leader Has Discretion – “He doesn’t run with the first idea or the first thought or the first evaluation.”
  4. An Influential Leader Gives Significant Thought To Their Decision-Making – “He thinks his positions through.”
  5. An Influential Leader Asks Great Questions – “He asks critical questions of himself before presenting an opinion or an evaluation.  That mindfulness sticks out.”
  6. An Influential Leader Has Many Strengths – “You stack that on top of a playing career, and he’s just really somebody who checks a lot of boxes.”
  7. An Influential Leader Is Diverse In Their Thinking And Approach – “He brought a diversity of thought and a really well-rounded approach to his role.”

So how well did Naehring leverage his influence?  In 2015, he eventually succeeded Eppler becoming the team’s Vice President of Baseball Operations.

What are you doing with the influence you have been given?

I highly recommend you purchase a copy of The Yankee Way: The Untold Inside Story Of The Brian Cashman Era by clicking HERE.  For example, the information above was found on pages 209-212.  In addition to being an excellent sports book, it is also a wonderful resource on leadership, decision-making, change, hard decisions, and working for difficult bosses.



I have recently developed a strategic partnership with an organization called Netline.  They are an organization which gets content into as many hands as possible.  Together, we created a FREE resource entitled   The Top 90 Leadership Quotes of 2024 – Part 1.  You can click HERE or on the image provided to receive this complimentary resource.  

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These quotes will take 15 minutes to read and a lifetime to apply.  Let’s get started. You’re about to get smarter and better as a leader!

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