July was definitely a memorable month, both in the world and for this site.  Hundreds of new subscribers joined our tribe of leaders.  I’m excited to add value to them and invest in their leadership.

I want to thank you, the readers.  Because of your faithful consumption of this site’s content and passing the articles along to those you influence, this site continues to grow.  Thank you!

And I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for football season to start up in August!

The Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts from July ’24

The following are the Top 10 Most Read Leadership Posts from July ’24 as determined by you the readers:

  1. President Joe Biden Exits The Presidential Race and the Number One Way Leaders Lose Their Influence
  2. 7 Qualities of an Influential Leader
  3. The Top 10 Books Leaders Should Read In Summer 2024
  4. 3 Things You Must Embrace To Accomplish Anything Significant
  5. A Good Leader’s Biggest Virtue
  6. The Number One Thing Leaders Are Remembered For
  7. Why Pattern Thinking is One of the Most Important Skills a Leader Can Develop
  8. The First Thing a Leader Should Do When Their Organization is NOT Serving Their Customers Well
  9. 50 Quotes and Lessons on How Championship Teams Build Culture
  10. The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of July 22nd

Hidden Gems

The following are five hidden gems which did not make the Top 10 but were personal favorites.  I hope you enjoy them the second time around.


I have recently developed a strategic partnership with an organization called Netline.  They are an organization which gets content into as many hands as possible.  Together, we created a FREE resource entitled   The Top 90 Leadership Quotes of 2024 – Part 1.  You can click HERE or on the image provided to receive this complimentary resource.  

Now a special request.  This is a complimentary resource.  Therefore, if you will make special note of the ads on the pages you will see.  If any interest you, please click the images and learn more about their products.

Once again, you can get your FREE resource by clicking DOWNLOAD NOW.  

These quotes will take 15 minutes to read and a lifetime to apply.  Let’s get started. You’re about to get smarter and better as a leader!  #CommissionsEarned


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