8 Signs of a Faulty Leadership Foundation

In the new movie Twisters, Glen Powell’s character Tyler owns a specially-outfitted truck specifically designed for chasing tornados.  In fact, Tyler even drives his truck into them…. while still inside.  What allows this to happen is just before the tornado is about to hit the truck, Powell clicks a button and a series of devices come out the bottom of the truck, drilling deep into the ground, and anchoring the truck into the earth.

The truck survives the storm because it is anchored with a strong foundation.  I thought about that movie scene when I saw the following video.

As you saw, a North Carolina beach house was swept away by a large ocean swell.  It obviously had a faulty foundation.

Similarly, whenever a leader has a failure, many times it is because of a faulty foundation.  In essence, a storm comes in and they are swept away to sea.

Speaking of storms, are the responsibilities of your leadership more than you can bear?  If so, I get it.

Leaders can often experience a sense of being overwhelmed if they are not careful.  Leadership should be fulfilling and enjoyable but here are just eight signs a faulty leadership foundation has taken place.

8 Signs of a Faulty Leadership Foundation

  1. Hard Decisions and Tough Conversations.  Don’t be foolish and deny this.  They are called “hard decisions” and “tough conversations” because they are HARD and TOUGH.
  2. Carrying the Weight of Others.  The best leaders get emotionally invested in those on their teams, and often their families as well.  For those thinking “it’s not personal, it’s business.”  It’s always personal.
  3. Carrying the Weight of the Entire Organization. This often comes as a result of not building a great team and having others to help carry the load.
  4. Trying “To Stay Ahead Of The Curve“.  We live in a competitive marketplace and no matter how successful you are, others are constantly nipping at your heels.  Staying relevant is incredibly hard work.
  5. What Have You Done For Me Lately?  If you have made it to a new level of performance, this has become your new baseline and expectation.  You now must exceed that.  There is rarely time to stop and smell the roses.
  6. Accomplishment.  No matter how much we talk about the importance of the journey and process, we all know that what matters to most people is winning and hitting our goals.  I spend an entire chapter on the subject of Production in my new book Mighty: 7 Skills You Need to Move from Pandemic to Progress.
  7. What’s Next?  There is always a “next”.  The next payroll period, the next month-end, the next Sunday, the next season, etc…  Life just keeps coming like waves at a beach.  Time often does not afford us the privilege of enjoying success.  There is no time to relax.
  8. The Economy.  The current economic conditions have made on-going financial health a harsh reality for everyone.

These reasons along with many others can often compound or individually cause a faulty leadership foundation.  It does not have to be this way.

Many leaders enjoy the financial rewards, expense accounts, memorable vacations, and other perks which come with significant influence.  But it is the day-to-day challenges which can overwhelm many leaders.

Leaders, you are far too important to be swept away.  Please get help and repair your faulty foundation before it is too late.  

I have recently developed a strategic partnership with an organization called Netline.  They are an organization which gets content into as many hands as possible.  Together, we created a FREE resource entitled   The Top 90 Leadership Quotes of 2024 – Part 1.  You can click HERE or on the image provided to receive this complimentary resource.  

Now a special request.  This is a complimentary resource.  Therefore, if you will make special note of the ads on the pages you will see.  If any interest you, please click the images and learn more about their products.

Once again, you can get your FREE resource by clicking DOWNLOAD NOW.  

These quotes will take 15 minutes to read and a lifetime to apply.  Let’s get started. You’re about to get smarter and better as a leader!  #CommissionsEarned

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.