The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of August 26th

  1. True Mastery Requires a Beginner’s Mind by Admired Leadership
  2. The Spoils Of Fear by James Albright
  3. How the “4 Types of Luck” can enrich your work-life by
  4. The Heart of Leadership: 7 Proven Ways to Build Relational Intelligence by Jenni Catron
  5. Knowing Your Customers by Seth Godin
  6. Cumulative Vs. Cyclical Knowledge by Morgan Housel
  7. The Urgency Mindset: What Are You Willing To Tolerate? by Michael Lombardi via The Daily Coach
  8. Next Generation Leadership by Kevin Paul Scott
  9. How To Win The Second Half: 48 Perspectives, Philosophies, And Approaches To Live The Life You Love (And Love The Life You Live) by Alan Stein Jr.
  10. Leadership Lessons From Admiral Horatio Nelson by Ed Thompson via Psychology Today
  11. ***BONUS*** Reinvent Yourself: Adapting to Your Current Age and Stage by Dr. Sam Chand

IT’S Coming!!!! My New Leadership Book

I want to give all of you a preview.  My new book The Games Leaders Play: How People Just Like YOU Are Making A Difference And Winning In Athletics, Business, Faith, And Life will be available for pre-order soon!!!  This will make the perfect Christmas gift for everyone you influence.  Make note of it now, more details to come!

Last Week’s Leadership Posts

The following are this site’s top posts from this past week.

What other great posts did you read this week?

I have recently developed a strategic partnership with an organization called Netline.  They are an organization which gets content into as many hands as possible.  Together, we created a FREE resource entitled   The Top 90 Leadership Quotes of 2024 – Part 1.  You can click HERE or on the image provided to receive this complimentary resource.  

Now a special request.  This is a complimentary resource.  Therefore, if you will make special note of the ads on the pages you will see.  If any interest you, please click the images and learn more about their products.

Once again, you can get your FREE resource by clicking DOWNLOAD NOW.  

These quotes will take 15 minutes to read and a lifetime to apply.  Let’s get started. You’re about to get smarter and better as a leader!  #CommissionsEarned

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