2 Stories Reminding Everyone What Leadership Is All About

Leadership is about many things.  It is about rallying people and equipping them to accomplish a goal.  It is about mobilization of resources.  Leadership is about the establishment of core values and the creation of a culture.  Is is about building trust and casting a compelling vision.  Leadership is about all of this and more.

But most of all, leadership is about PEOPLE!

I came across two stories this past week which reminded me of this truth.

A Heroic Rescue

Per this USA Today article, Master Sgt. Joe Thach of the US Army Rangers was driving along Interstate 5 in Tacoma, WA on August 9th when he noticed a tremendous amount of smoke ahead of him on the road.  As St. Thach got closer, he realized a car was engulfed in flames.  Watch the video below for what happened next.

Sgt. Thach said, “As I looked I noticed that nobody had stopped to help and I thought well if not me, then who?  That’s somebody’s son, brother, or dad and immediately it’s something that I thought that I would want someone to do that for someone I cared about.”

He put his training into motion and pulled a man from the burning car. Sgt. Thach then realized he had just rescued a fellow military veteran from certain death.  He concluded “I remember he reached out to me and grabbed my hand and he was like I really need a brother right now.  I grabbed his hand and let him know that he would be okay, fully understanding that it was a pretty rough day for him and letting him know that I was there for him.”

For Sgt. Thach, leadership is all about people.  He understands that when it comes to service to others, if not him, then who?

Boeing’s Starliner Returns To Earth

They say it’s lonely at the top.  But only if you don’t take anyone with you.  Let me illustrate.

On Friday, September 6th, Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft returned to Earth.  But due to mechanical issues, NASA determined it was best for the vessel to return without astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams who have been in space since June.

The daily newsletter Morning Brew reported in its September 9th edition, “NASA’s Steve Stich said that everything went so well with the capsule that in hindsight it would have been an ‘easy decision’ to bring astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams home on the flight.”

But the return did not go so well… Why?  Because it did not include people.  The people were left behind.  Astronauts Wilmore and Williams will remain in space until at least February.

One of the measurements of your success as a leader will be how many people you take with you.


Leadership is all about people.  Master Sgt. Joe Thach reached out a hand, pulled someone to safety, and provided relief during a very rough day.  To the contrary, the Boeing Starliner left two people behind.

As a leader, everyone reading this article will either reach out their hands, pull people to safety, and provide them relief during very rough days… or you will leave them behind.

You decide what type of leader you want to be.

FREE Helpful Resources

In conjunction with one of my content partners, I created two new checklists to help you identify ways you can improve your leadership:

You can download them by clicking HERE and HERE or on the images below.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.