The 3 Things Entrepreneurs Need for a Successful Pitch from Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary (and 14 more Leadership Quotes) from today’s Aspire Conference

On Wednesday, January 8th I attended the Aspire Conference in Atlanta, GA.  While there were many successful and well-known speakers on the schedule, the one I wanted to hear was Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary, known as Mr. Wonderful.  He did not disappoint.

I felt his comments were so impactful, I want to share them with you.

The following are 3 Things Entrepreneurs Need for a Successful Pitch from Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary (and 14 more Leadership Quotes) from today’s Aspire Conference:

  1. “Our mission, we never reach the destination, it’s the journey – the pursuit of personal greatness.  It ain’t free and it’s not easy, but it’s worth it.”
  2. “62% of the jobs in America (the largest economy in the world) are created by companies with 5 and 500 employees.”
  3. “In 2020 no one ever heard of Zoom.  Not it’s like Kleenex, everyone’s using it.  This is the tool that started it all – can we work remotely?”
  4. “If you were 70-years-old and living in my condo on Miami Beach in 2020 and did not learn how to order food on your phone, you would starve.”
  5. “When you sell directly to the consumer, your only costs is the customer acquisition, the shipping costs, and the cost of manufacturing so your margins go from 50% to as high as 82%.”
  6. “Selling direct is important because you get the data – who you sold it to, how many times they bought it, the size, the color, the flavor.  You have a direct relationship with the customer all of sudden.”
  7. “The most valuable thing you can have is the data of the customer.”
  8. “More than half our sales today are direct to consumer.”
  9. “Shark Tank is the #1 show in 54 countries in the world.  A lot of people don’t realize this the but the #1 export of America is not steel, technology, or grain.  It’s the American Dream.  That’s what we export.  That’s what everyone wants.  That’s why people drown in barbed wire to get into this country.”
  10. “Forming a community of kindred spirits is what every major corporation wants to do.”
  11. “You have to tell the truth to the customer.  They have to believe you.  They want to be part of what you’re doing and that’s how you build a valuable franchise.”
  12. “If you don’t understand social media, you better hire someone who does.”
  13. “What is the difference between a successful pitch and one that misses?  It turns out there’s three elements… 1. Are you able to articulate the opportunity in 90 seconds or less… 2. There are many good ideas out there.  What’s missing are the executional skills to turn that idea into a business that’s successful…. 3. You have to know your numbers.”
  14. “How many of you know a screwed up rich kid?  Why?  The curse of entitlement.”
  15. “The dead bird under the nest will never learn how to fly.”

FREE Resource – The Top 75 Leadership Quotes of 2024 Part 2

For additional leadership quotes, I have recently developed a strategic partnership with an organization called Netline.  They are an organization which gets content into as many hands as possible.  Together, we created a FREE resource entitled   The Top 75 Leadership Quotes of 2024 – Part 2.  You can click HERE or on the image provided to receive this complimentary resource.  

There comes a time in the life of every leader when they must stand up and declare, “Follow me!”  Language and how to use it is a BIG deal for leaders.  Words matter.  They can mobilize people, inspire enormous change, and move others to life-changing action.  Therefore, when a leader speaks, the quotes they give, matter.

Now a special request.  This is a complimentary resource.  Therefore, if you will make special note of the ads on the pages you will see.  If any interest you, please click the images and learn more about their products.

Once again, you can get your FREE resource by clicking HERE.  

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.