25 Leadership Quotes from my Appearance on the Linch With A Leader Podcast

My Favorite Podcast

My favorite leadership podcast is “Linch With A Leader.”  There are a number of reasons for this.  First, I really enjoy the type of guests host Mike Linch has.  But more importantly, Mike has been a dear friend for two decades and also the lead pastor of the church I attend, NorthStar Church in Kennesaw, GA.

In conjunction with the release of my new best-selling book The Games Leaders Play: How People just like YOU are Making a Difference and Winning in Athletics, Business, Faith, and Life, I had the opportunity to be a guest on his show.

Click the image below to hear a brief clip of our time together.


25 Leadership Quotes from my Linch With A Leader Podcast Interview

The following are 25 leadership quotes from our time together. You can listen to the entire interview by clicking HERE.

  1. “This is the stuff the grenade (on the table) blows up – trust, collaboration, relationships – all those type of things.”
  2. “Leaders should always be pointing to other people and celebrating.  We do a great job weeping with those who weep, but we do a terrible job rejoicing with those who rejoice.”
  3. “Sports has such an immediate feedback mechanism and it’s so measurable.”
  4. “I started serving church leaders when I was a teenager and have been doing it for over 40 years.”
  5. “Good leadership cannot always be managed and calibrated by a calendar.”
  6. “How much better would my leadership have been if I would have been as intentional about investing in leaders at 34 (years of age) as I was at 54?”
  7. “How much is a good idea worth?”
  8. “Books are the best value any leader can invest in.”
  9. “The Law of the Second Question.  Genius is always found in the second question.”
  10. “Do I have to deal with Imposter Syndrome constantly?  Absolutely!”
  11. “How do you operate in an area where God’s elevated you to something and you don’t feel equipped to do it?  I just try to serve them.”
  12. “Leaders, one of the fundamental things they must bring, is solutions.”
  13. “The solution to your problem is a person.”
  14. “Being elite means when excellence meets continual improvement.”
  15. “Tomorrow’s problems is not solved by today’s solutions.”
  16. “If experience meets humility… then you move from experience to excellence.”
  17. “Elite.  Those are the people who are never satisfied.  Their work ethic is off the charts.  They are always getting better.  They do not lead by assumption or entitlement.  Those are the best of the absolute best.”
  18. “When we are talking about elite, we are talking about experienced people who are humble and continually improve and therefore, have hit the top of their profession.”
  19. “Here’s what separates elite from everyone else – do you immediately self-correct?”
  20. “If you need to be told you’re performing poorly, you by definition are not elite.”
  21. “You cannot effectively steward authority if you rebel against authority.”
  22. “You cannot teach someone something they think they already know.”
  23. “Curiosity.  One of the reasons I love reading and love learning… you realize how much you don’t know.”
  24. “Learning, growing, and writing has ironically made me more humble because it’s a constant reminder of what I don’t know.”
  25. “You always want to be in the rooms where you’re not the smartest person.  If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.  That’s a John Maxwell statement.”

This is arguably the most helpful interview I’ve ever done.  I hope you listen to the podcast by clicking HERE.  It will entertain, encourage, and make you a better leader.

And if you haven’t purchased The Games Leaders Play: How People just like YOU are Making a Difference and Winning in Athletics, Business, Faith, and Lifeclick HERE or on the image below to get copies for you and your team.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.