7 Things You Must Consistently Do To Have Your Best Month Ever

Are you tired of living in mediocrity?  Are you tired of going unnoticed?  Are you looking for just a few hints that might take you to another level?  Do you feel like the tipping point is near and you are posed for a significant breakthrough?  Are you hungry for positive change or influence?  If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, this post is for you.

This past January was the most successful month in this website’s history.  As I began to analyze the factors for that success, I discovered 7 things that if you do consistently you will also have your best month ever!!!

  • Connect People To Other Great Leaders – Nothing has aided the success of this site more than promoting other great leaders.  This is what Seth Godin calls “the connection economy”.  Nothing increases a person’s value more than connecting them to other great leaders.
  • Understand The Power Of Relationships – When you point people to other leaders, I have found that those leaders are almost always deeply grateful.  As a result, they frequently tell others about your site in return.  When Michael Hyatt, the most widely read Christian blogger on the web, and others RTed The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Need To Follow On Twitter In 2013 of which Michael is one, this site went to unprecedented heights.
  • Provide Value – Most people don’t realize this but I spend a minimum of two months praying about who to place on my Top Bloggers and people to follow on Twitter lists.  I want to have credibility with that list.  More importantly, I deeply want the readers of those posts to have the resources and connections needed to add value to their lives.
  • Be Inspirational – People already have enough trouble in their lives.  We all need to be reminded that tomorrow is a new day and we can make it.
  • Be Relevant – Great leaders answer the questions their people are asking.  Three of the Top 10 (Chan, Giglio, Lewis) were about current events and were posted within 24 hours of when those event occurred.  Relevant posts are often trending on Twitter and being actively searched on Google.  I want to be part of important conversations while they are happening.
  • Provide Solutions – Three of the Top 10 dealt with vision casting, personal improvement, and leading leaders.  These are issues leaders deal with every day.
  • Value People – Do you love people?  I mean, really love people?  You can never go wrong as a leader when you see the good in everyone.  When you look at what a person can be rather than what they currently are, you are on your way to becoming a leader worth following.

Connect People To Other Great Leaders, Understand the Power of Relationships, Provide Value, Be Inspirational, Be Relevant, Provide Solutions, and Value People.  If as a leader (or salesperson, coach, politician, musician, etc….) you do these seven things and do them consistently, you will eventually have your best month ever as well!

Now let’s take a look at The Top 10 Most Read Posts Of January as determined by you the readers:

The following are three additional posts that did not make the Top 10 but were personal favorites.  I hope you enjoy them the 2nd time around.

In closing, I want to thank everyone who visited the site in January.  You are very kind to give this site some of your precious time.  I hope to hear from you again throughout February.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.