The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of February 18th

When you are in leadership, you want practical tools to help you carry out the tasks required of you.  Resources and intellectual capital are a leader’s lifeblood.  This week I read some of the best posts yet on tools leaders can use and practical steps leaders they can take TODAY to get better.

Whether you lead in church, the business sector, athletics, or in a non-profit, check out the following Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of February 18th.  They will make you a better leader.

  1. 3 Unmistakable Indicators You’re Growing as a Leader by Scott Cochrane. This guy is on a serious leadership blogging role!!!  Make sure you check out his site.
  2. Dripping And Synching The Buzz by Seth Godin.  Great lesson for church leaders on building momentum and making announcements.
  3. 7 Lessons From The Beatles’ Greatest Failure by John Greathouse at
  4. Surviving In An Anti-God Society by Chris Lautsbaugh
  5. 5 Stages For Making Creative Ideas Happen At Catalyst by Brad Lomenick.  Incredible lessons from the most creative organization in Christianity.
  6. Are You Willing To Mentor The Little Czar by Tony Morgan.  There is no telling what God can do through a human life.  There is incredible potential in each of us.
  7. Beyond Thank You: 5 Keys To Attracting And Keeping Great People by the incredible Carey Nieuwhof
  8. A Forgiveness Story by Perry Noble.  As emotionally moving as anything you will read.
  9. 8 Habits Of Disliked Leaders by Matt Steen.  As great a video discussion on the subject as you will watch.
  10. The Harlem Shake by Pete Wilson, Senior Pastor of Cross Point Church.  Let’s face it.  Why can’t church be fun?

I want to point out one additional post this week.  Brian Dodd Joins The Rocket Company by Michael Lukaszewski, COO of The Rocket Company.  I’m biased but this is my personal favorite!!!

Well that is my Top 10 (make that 11).  What additional great posts did you read this week?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.