3 Things That Cause Leaders To Change

No one likes change but a baby.  That is one of my favorite statements because people naturally resist change but it is desperately needed.  In addition to leading organizations that must constantly change, leaders must individually go through that process as well.

This past Sunday, Senior Pastor Marlan Harris of New Life Church delivered a message to the congregation of Fellowship Bible Church on the subject of change.  As I listened to Pastor Harris speak, I felt the principles were applicable to anyone in leadership.  See if you don’t agree.

The primary ingredient needed for change in a person, church, or business is repentance.  We hate the way things are and the things that we do.  True repentance causes us to change three things:

  • Change Our Mind – The things we think about.
  • Change Our Heart – The things we love and the things you hate.
  • Change Our Hands – The things we do.

Repentance involves not only stopping certain habits and behaviors, but also starting new ones.

Change in a person or organization rarely happens by choice.  Rather, it results from a cause.

There are three things God uses to cause us to change.  Leaders, regardless of your faith system, pay attention to this list.

1.  Deep Love – Sometimes leaders simply lose their way.  We become so task driven that we wind up in a place we never expected.  It is in that unexpected territory that we hear the voice of someone we love or respect coaching us, begging us, pleading with us, and yes, loving us to change.

2.  Deep Loss – Loss happens when our value as leaders has been diluted.  Loss happens when something of value has been lost.  Loss happens when you personally are in an environment of filth and uncleanliness.  You have a deep sense of loss when you are forced to utter the words, “I (or you or we) are better than this!”

3.  Deep Lack – Lack is having something in the bank but it doesn’t satisfy your heart.  Lack is having a big house, plenty of food, and the corner office but you feel empty.  Lack is what happens within you, not around you.  True sadness is also when you have nothing and God won’t give you anything.

When you or your church, business, or team has Deep Love, Deep Loss, or Deep Lack, then it is time to change.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.