As part of The Rocket Company’s desire to help churches succeed, I had the privilege of training dozens of United Methodist pastors and church leaders this past week. Hosted by Fairborn (OH) United Methodist Church and Senior Pastor Aaron Chivington, I have never been treated as well as I was at this event.
As the presenter, every need I had (and many I did not even know I had) were met in an exceeding fashion. When I looked back on the time together it occurred to me the reason why Fairborn UMC is experiencing such tremendous growth is because they treat everyone who visits their church this well also.
The Fairborn staff reminded me that The Number One Thing Churches Can Do To Honor Those Visit Their Weekend Services is act like you are expecting them to show up. Having systems in place for those visiting your church communicates value, expectancy, and honor.
The following are six additional things I learned from the leadership of Fairborn UMC that churches can do to honor those who visit your church:
- Tell Them About Jesus – Much of our time together was spent discussing how to better connect unchurched people to Jesus. Do not dishonor the intelligence or dignity of visitors by neglecting this vital piece. When a person enters a steakhouse, they are expecting steak. When a person enters a church, they expect to hear about Jesus.
- Utilize Social Media – The church promoted the event heavily through their Twitter and social media channels. Unchurched people will visit your website prior to attending your services. Your home page should communicate only a few things – Directions, Service Times, and most important, why they should visit your church THIS Sunday.
- Pre-Service Music – The church’s incredibly competent technical director John Howard asked me what music I liked to hear before I spoke. John reminded me that churches should select a style of music unchurched people would enjoy hearing to best prepare them to hear a life-changing message.
- Create Interactive Services – John and his wife, the incredible servant leader Associate Pastor Meghan Howard, were actively tweeting my comments, soliciting questions, and taking pictures during the conference. In addition, the team live streamed the event to those who could not be in attendance.
- Create Opportunities To Connect With Church Staff – Aaron and I prioritized spending time together to build our personal relationship during my two days there. Churches expecting visitors to their weekend services should create opportunities to connect with the church staff.
- Generously Provide Resources Visitors Can Take Home – In one week, I will be making a major announcement about the release of my first book 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader. Because of their Ohio location, my printer sent to the church the first 100 printed copies. The staff immediately setup a table to sell my book to those attending the conference.
Like I said, the big rollout will be next week but to learn more about 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader, click here. You can pre-order individual hardcopy editions now for just $9.59. Larger bulk orders for group studies are available at discounted rates. To celebrate the launch of my first book, for a limited time I am also offering FREE shipping and a FREE STUDY GUIDE for each book ordered.
This book is written for individual and small group studies at your church. Therefore, at these prices, I recommend you purchase a copy for every leader you have influence over. I’m praying for churches to have hundreds of leaders participating in 2-Minute Leader studies.
In conclusion, seven things churches can do to honor those who visit their weekend services are Act Like You Are Expecting Them, Tell Them About Jesus, Effectively Utilizing Social Media, Have Pre-Service Music They Can Connect With, Create Interactive Services, Provides Opportunities To Connect With Church Staff, and Be Generous By Giving Them FREE Resources to take home.
I have never been treated as well as I was by the leadership of Fairborn UMC. It is my desire for the visitors to your weekend services to say the same about you.
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