17 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Thor: The Dark World

I am a HUGE fan of the Marvel Comics movie series and absolutely loved the latest installment Thor: The Dark World.

Forced to save love interest Jane Foster (played by Natalie Portman), who is infected with Aether, from Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, Thor enlists the services of his evil brother Loki.

Loki, spectacularly played by Tom Hiddleston, is the star of the movie.  It would be unusual for a popcorn movie, but Hiddleston should receive one of the five nominations available for Best Supporting Actor.

If you are looking for a good time and fun movie, go see Thor.  You will be glad you did.  The following are 17 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Thor: The Dark World:

  1. “We are not gods.  We’re born.  We live.  We die.” – Spoken by Thor’s father Odin, played by Anthony Hopkins, we are reminded life is brief and leaders should maximize our influence while we have it.
  2. “The nine realms are at peace.  They are reminded of our strength and you they have earned your respect.” – Odin.  When leading on a national level, peace is often gained and maintained through strength.
  3. “This is when I serve myself.” – Spoken by Thor after a victorious battle, leaders are reminded there is a time to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
  4. “She is mortal.  Illness is her defining trait.” – Odin was disgusted upon meeting Foster.  However, smart leaders understand no one is perfect and there is always room for growth and development.
  5. “A true king admits his faults.” – Humility is a defining characteristic of great leaders.
  6. “It’s only because I’m worried for you that you’ve survived.” – Spoken to Odin by his wife Frigga, played by Rene Russo, this quote connected with me.  A man’s success is largely determined by his wife’s confidence in him.
  7. Great Leadership Is Honored In Death – SPOILER ALERT – After Frigga is killed by the dark elves, she is honored with a visually striking funeral.  Because of the number of lives they have impacted, great leaders are honored in death.
  8. “The difference is I will win.” – When comparing himself to his grandfather, Thor points out that leaders get the job done.
  9. “You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.” – Spoken by Loki to Thor, leaders are reminded drastic times call for adaptability, creativity, and often drastic measures.
  10. “My mother trusted you.” – Thor chose to trust Loki because his mother did.  This is important for young leaders to know.  While you are earning trust, you must often borrow the trust from someone else.  They have the credibility you have yet to achieve.
  11. “If it were easy everyone would do it.” – As Loki tells us while finding passage to the Dark World, leadership is not for the faint of heart.
  12. “Satisfaction is not in my nature.” – Loki.  “Surrender is not in mine.” – Thor – Leaders are naturally discontented individuals.
  13. “There is nothing more reassuring than the world is crazier than you are.” – Erik Selvig.  If you are constantly focused on your problems, it gives you a healthy perspective knowing there are always others worse off than you.
  14. The Power Of Humor – One of the reasons the Marvel movies are so enjoyable is because of the continual insertion of humor.  Humor is a leader’s friend.  Do not take yourself so seriously.
  15. “I would rather be a good man than a great king.” – Thor understands the importance of character.  For many leaders, their talent can take them places where their character cannot sustain them.
  16. “One son wanted the throne too much.  One will not take it.  Is that my legacy?” – All leaders will leave a legacy.  What is yours?
  17. Leave Your Audience Wanting More – In addition to previewing Captain America: Winter Soldier, Marvel did a great job setting up their next movies with the introduction of The Collector.

What other leadership lessons did you get from the movie?

If you have not seen the trailer for the next Marvel movie Captain America: Winter Soldier, see the trailer below:


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.