A Moving Video Of The Ohio State Football Team Showing Compassion To A Local Sports Anchor

There have been many inspiring stories this year in college football but few touched me as much as the following video.

On Tuesday evening, September 17th, 21-year-old Maria Elizabeth Tiberi was tragically killed in an automobile accident in Hilliard, OH.  Maria is the daughter of Dom Tiberi, a local sports anchor for WBNS-TV.

Mr. Tiberi has covered Ohio State football for 30 years.  When he returned to work on Saturday, September 28th to cover the game against Wisconsin, the team welcomed him back in a touching way.  Watch the video below and then I will have a few comments afterwards.

  1. 87 Hugs from players and staff does not happen by accident.
  2. In the midst of a big game the team still had the awareness to take a moment to comfort a hurting person.
  3. This video caused me to self-evaluate.  Why do I think I am often too busy to show compassion to those in need?  I need to be just as intentional about showing compassion.
  4. Many times, words are not necessary to comfort a hurting person.  Often just being present makes all the difference in the world.
  5. The people are always a picture of the leader.  I am very, very impressed with the type of program Urban Meyer is building and culture he is creating.
  6. The Power Of Investment – Tiberi has supported the Ohio State program for three decades.  When he needed it most, the program was there to support him.

What are your thoughts on this video?


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.