Live Blog From 2014 Orange Conference – 50 Leadership Quotes From Ron Edmondson

This week I am being dispatched by Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) to attend the 2014 Orange Conference.  In an effort to grow in my skills to better add value to pastors and church leaders, I will be live blogging throughout.

The third breakout session was conducted by the Ron Edmondson, Senior Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky.  Ron’s wonderful session was entitled Protecting The Family In Ministry.  The following are 50 leadership quotes I captured during the session every pastor should read:

  1. Always good to catch up with @RonEdmondson.  I’m so glad he’s my dad. – Ron’s son.  These tweets don’t self-produce.
  2. We were very intentional and by the grace of God, I am who they are and I am who I am.

Ways To Protect Spouse

  1. I tell my church she’s my partner.  She’s my equal partner in ministry.
  2. I’m very protective of her role in the church.
  3. I’m not at every hospital bed.
  4. You can talk to me about anything but my wife is off-limits.
  5. I keep her from assigned commitments.
  6. I want her available to me.  We’re partners.  We do ministry together.
  7. I let her work in her area of passion.
  8. I keep her informed.
  9. Sometime before I go to bed I debrief my day everyday.
  10. She knows where the socks are because they are attached to people she loves.
  11. I don’t put her in the middle of controversy.
  12. I seek her input.  She is my biggest sounding board on ideas within the church.
  13. She has a relational insight, a discernment I don’t have.  I’ve never hired a staff she didn’t know about.
  14. I don’t hide things from her…I don’t share intimate, personal things when I meet with a man.
  15. Any email a woman sends me my wife sees.
  16. Hidden things always come back to haunt you.
  17. We’ve had incredible growth but it hasn’t come without costs.
  18. If you change churches it will take your wife longer to adapt than you.
  19. She shares my office and she shares my life.
  20. She has a drawer in my desk where she keeps her stuff.

Ways To Protect The Children

  1. Level the expectations.  The expectations in our house were biblical expectations.
  2. We’re not going to be surprised when our kids aren’t perfect.
  3. You don’t have to be different because you’re a preacher’s kid.  You’re different because you’re a believer.
  4. Let them be kids.  I shouldn’t expect them to care about ministry as much as I do.
  5. Live what you preach.  If you want them to appreciate your ministry live what you preach.
  6. They’re primary concept of ministry is us.  How healthy is their view of ministry?  How healthy is their view of you?
  7. Protect your time at home.  When you’re home, be home.  Let voicemail do its thing.
  8. Your church needs to know my family is going to be put ahead of you.
  9. Saturdays are my protected day.  I work six days a week.  My Sabbath is my Sabbath.
  10. My phone stays downstairs while we go to bed upstairs.
  11. This church, I don’t know how long I’m going to be there but I know how long I’m going to be with my wife.
  12. Be their parent more than their pastor.  You can be their pastor but first be their parent.
  13. No one should replace your role as a parent.  The Orange philosophy works for pastors too.
  14. Give them roles at church as they desire.
  15. Let them do ministry with you.  Unless it is a highly confidential meeting my boys had access to my calendar.
  16. They got to appreciate what I do as a pastor, not resent it.  They think you work just one day a week also.
  17. We’re a family business.
  18. They knew the church better than anyone in the church.  They didn’t resent the church.  It was part of their life.

Question And Answer

  1. I’d be stupid if I didn’t strongly consider her words and why she feels the way she feels.
  2. When one is speaking it’s usually representative (of more people).
  3. I lead with the leaders.  I lead with the people who get it, who understand it.  We’re not going backwards.
  4. We go away several times a year as a staff with spouses.  We never go anywhere without our spouses.
  5. If I think you’re marriage is in trouble and you’re on my staff I’ll bring you in and talk to you.
  6. When we’re together (my wife and I) my energy level is better…My life is better.
  7. The way I love a Bed’n’Breakfast is to love my wife.
  8. The busier you are and more stressful the season the more you have to get away with your wife.
  9. I’m not afraid to step into an unhealthy culture if I have a chance to shape that culture.
  10. They are your kids and membership has its privileges…They shouldn’t be held back because they’re your kids…If you’re dad owns a Ford dealership your kids are probably driving a Ford.


As a gift to everyone reading this post, ISS would like to provide everyone a FREE copy of the Ebook 5 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Church Fund Raising.  Simply click here or on the image to the left to receive your complimentary resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.