Live Blog From Orange Conference ’15: 32 Leadership Lessons From Jon Acuff and Jud Wilhite


In an effort to add value to pastors and church leaders, I am live blogging significant portions of this week’s Orange Conference and their amazing Senior Leader’ Track.  For pastors and church leaders, this is the most informative and thought-provocing three days you can spend all year.  It is “can’t miss” event for church leaders.

The third day’s opening plenary session was led by Jon Acuff the great writer and speaker and Jud Wilhite, the senior pastor of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas.

Before getting to their thoughts on why churches stop growing, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is offering a FREE download of Church Branding 101.  In this resource Ken Wilson, Director of NewSpring Creative, will be walking us through NewSpring Church’s recent rebranding process.  If you are unfamiliar with NewSpring, they are led by friend-of-Orange Senior Pastor Perry Noble.  You do not want to miss this.  Click here or on the image above to sign up.  Now onto the lessons from today’s opening session.

The following are 32 Leadership Quotes and Lessons from the morning’s opening plenary session:

Jon Acuff

  1. Leaders who can’t be questioned end up doing questionable things.
  2. Showing me a church who failed and I’ll show you an isolated leader.
  3. What you do takes bravery.
  4. Bravery is a choice. You can’t wait until you’re brave.
  5. We have a God who’s bigger than our fear.
  6. It’s impossible to get stuck somewhere old when you’re learning something new.
  7. Anytime I stand up here I want to leave you with a sense of thankfulness.
  8. None of this happens without you.
  9. There’s 7,000 people here and it feels like a conversation in a living room.

Reggie Jordan

  1. It’s not just about families in the church. It’s about families outside the church.

Jud Wilhite

  1. I’m not just a pastor of a church. I’m a fan of the church.
  2. The church is the tool God uses to save countless lives for eternity.
  3. There are churches in Las Vegas.
  4. I’ve gotten so caught up in the task of the ministry that I forget the people of ministry.
  5. I’ve gotten caught in keeping everyone in our church happy that I forgot those not in our church.
  6. In life we only make a handful of significant decisions.
  7. Ministry leaders are the most vulnerable in losing sight of those far from Him.
  8. All 100 sheep are equally valuable but there is priority on the one that is lost.
  9. We must mobilize our ministries on the one that is lost.
  10. Too many of our conversations about things no one is talking about outside the walls of the church.
  11. No one outside the church care if you are missional or attractional. They don’t care.
  12. They need help and they need hope that only Jesus can give them. And Jesus saved you to become a rescuer.
  13. Drugs and alcohol experimentation starts between ages 13-14. Then, serious addiction happens at ages 15-16. If you start before age 15, it continues the rest of your life. Self-injury starts from ages 11-15.
  14. I have to teach our church to say “Thank You” to those pouring into and teaching our kids.
  15. My greatest ministry flows out of my greatest dependence on God.
  16. The most powerful thing I can do to share my faith with those who are far from God is pray for opportunities.
  17. Nagging Jesus and persistence pays off.
  18. You probably haven’t had someone drive a car through your church recently but you have probably had someone drive through your heart.
  19. We have got to keep our hearts soft and open.
  20. There are no “nobodies” in the Kingdom of God.
  21. There is no such thing as “just a youth pastor”. You are a somebody.
  22. You are God’s masterpiece. That’s who you are.

More to come later today.

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Subscribe to this site and get my latest FREE eBook Skinny Jeans And A Tattoo Does Not Make You A Leader.  Featuring leaders like Andy Stanley, Bill Hybels and Perry Noble, this resource includes 999 additional leadership quotes from the 2014 Double, Global Leadership Summit, and Catalyst  Conferences.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to sign up and get your FREE resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.