Live Notes From Leadercast – 26 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Andy Stanley


Today I am being dispatched by Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS) to attend the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast.  In an effort to grow in my skills to better add value to pastors and church leaders, I will be live blogging about Brave Leaders throughout.

The first speaker was Andy Stanley, the great pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, GA. There is no better communicator of leadership than Andy.

Before getting to Andyy’s thoughts on being a brave and bold leader, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is offering a FREE download of Church Branding 101.  In this resource Ken Wilson, Director of NewSpring Creative, will be walking us through NewSpring Church’s recent rebranding process.  Click here or on the image above to sign up.

The following are 26 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Andy Stanley:

Bill and Giuliana Rancic – Hosts

  • “Leadership matters. Pursuing a posture of boldness matters.” – GR
  • “If you want to be a good leader, be a conductor.” – BR
  • “If we want to be brave leaders we must check our egos at the door.” – BR
  • “It’s about working hard and making bold decisions. That’s how you get results.” – BR
  • “Leadership is a human characteristic.” – BR

Andy Stanley

  1. “If we were honest most of us would say I’m neither brave nor am I bold.”
  2. Myth – Bold leadership is reserved for bold people.
  3. Myth – Bold leadership is reserved for fearless people. All the fearless people are dead.
  4. Myth – Bold leadership requires a specific gift or talent. Your giftedness may get in the way of your potential.
  5. Myth – Bold leadership is reserved for the ultra-smart or ultra-gifted. Sometimes the super-smart people are so smart they talk themselves out of good ideas because they know the 25 reasons it won’t work.
  6. People don’t start off with resources. They start off with an idea and then found the resources.
  7. The best picture of bold leadership is a middle school girl in pursuit of an iPhone. – Clarity, Focus, Stubborn, Resourceful
  8. Stubbornness is a virtue when you’re right. – Tony Dungy
  9. Bold leadership is clarity around an unreasonable commitment to what should be.
  10. “I wasn’t there to be recorded. I was there to get my child.” – Toya Graham
  11. Coffee is not about coffee. Coffee is about community.
  12. All of us to have the potential for bold leadership.
  13. Bold leaders refuse to be cowed by how.
  14. You can “How” a great idea to death. You can “How” a great idea right out the door.
  15. When someone in your organization has an idea you say, “Wow!” Not “How?” If they make it they will pay for your retirement.
  16. The “How” question is a bad habit.
  17. Nobody who’s ever accomplished anything of significance first asked, “How are we going to pay for it?” They are like the middle school girl after an iPhone.
  18. “What do I believe is impossible to do in my field…But if it could be done, would fundamentally change d my business?” – Joel Barker, Paradigms
  19. Great churches are led well by people who speak well and how many of those are there?
  20. We did not invent idea of multi-site but we were on the lookout for something which could split the leadership role and the speaking role.
  21. Multi-site addressed the issue which was holding us back.
  22. There is a problem in your field that needs to be solved and whoever solves it first will own that space for awhile.
  23. What breaks your heart?
  24. What would I like people to line up and thank you for when your career is over?
  25. Your schedule oftentimes undermines your ability to reach your potential.
  26. Do not let your calendar or schedule conspire against you. Your calendar has no sense of priority.

Getting ready for CMDR Rorke Denver.

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Subscribe to this site and get my latest FREE eBook Skinny Jeans And A Tattoo Does Not Make You A Leader.  Featuring leaders like Andy Stanley, Bill Hybels and Perry Noble, this resource includes 999 additional leadership quotes from the 2014 Double, Global Leadership Summit, and Catalyst  Conferences.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to sign up and get your FREE resource.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.