Catalyst ’15 – 44 Leadership Quotes From Rich Wilkerson, Chad Veach and Chris Durso

As a member of the Catalyst Blog Team and INJOY Stewardship SolutionsI will be bringing you live updates from the much anticipated Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, GA.  The theme for this year’s conference is Awaken The Wonder.

Catalyst always begins by conducting a series of Labs on Wednesday for church leaders.  The next Lab session was conducted by Rich Wilkerson, Jr., Chad Veach and Chris Durso.

Rich leads Vous Church in Miami.  Chad is the pastor of ZOE Church in Los Angelese and Chris pastors MISFIT, NYC.  The following are 44 Leadership Quotes and Lessons from this amazing session.

Also, before reading, make sure you check out the announcement from INJOY Stewardship Solutions shown below about a FREE webinar on October 13th for churches needing to raise capital in 2016.  Now onto their thoughts:

  1. We’ve seen 100 people give their life to Jesus in last four weeks. – RW
  2. We’re pastors. We use the Bible. – RW
  3. In New York, snitches get stitches. – CV
  4. Anything great God wants to do takes time to develop. – RW
  5. When God wants to build a mushroom, it takes six hours. When God wants to build an oak tree, it takes 60 years. – RW
  6. God gives us a picture of the future so we can make it through the present. – RW
  7. God’s dreams often have to go through a season of darkness. A dream that hasn’t been tested cannot be trusted. – RW
  8. Each and every one of us are going to have to deal with rejection. – CD
  9. We all deal with rejection. Not everyone is going to like you. – CD
  10. What God said to you He didn’t necessarily say to them. – CD
  11. Never once do we see in the world did God tell Joseph to share his dream. – CD
  12. Millennials are so quick to share with others what God is saying to them. It is coming from a place of insecurity because they are looking for other people to affirm what God said to them. – CD
  13. We’ve got to be better stewards of our dreams because you are going to be rejected. We just have to make sure we are not inviting in extra rejection. – CD
  14. When God has given you something, don’t let things around you knock you off track. – CD
  15. I want to be the type of person who goes through trials and doesn’t complain about them. – CD
  16. Yes there will be dreams but they come with nightmares. – CD
  17. No one is strong enough to push back what God intends to push forward. – CD
  18. “Leadership is pain. When your leadership grows, your tolerance for pain has to grow.” – Dr. Sam Chand
  19. Rejection often turns out to be God’s direction. – RW
  20. All of us face temptation. – CV
  21. No matter how old you get, we all face the temptation of pride and sexual temptation. – CV
  22. God tests, Satan tempts and people tease. – CV
  23. There is always the temptation to indulge. – CV
  24. We have teach young people to say “No” to things which might be good in the moment. – CV
  25. A lot of young leaders want to force the dream. – CV
  26. Dreams have to stand the test of time. – CV
  27. Young leaders are always looking for a way to network their way to the top. – CV
  28. Young leaders always want to force dream. – CV
  29. Promotion cometh not from the east or west, promotion cometh from the Lord.
  30. Some young leaders get their too early and can’t stand the test of time. – CV
  31. It’s always too early to quit. If you don’t quit, you win. – CV
  32. Any great leader is only there because they didn’t quit. – CV
  33. We use too many people not to the temptation of sin, but the temptation of quitting. – CV
  34. When you go through pain, the first thing you realize is how much pain people are in. – CV
  35. We are going to put all our faith and all our hope in Jesus. – CV
  36. In our brokenness is when God uses us the most. – CV
  37. Light shines best through transparency. – CV
  38. You can’t control what happens to you. But you can control how you respond to what happens to you. – RW
  39. Joseph was a man of character, not just gifting and talent. – RW
  40. Joseph did the right thing. It just led to the wrong place. – RW
  41. This guy is changing the economies of nations, not because he went to school for it but because he listened to God. – RW
  42. Can you pass the test of retribution. – RW
  43. A God-dream is never about you. It is always about God and other people. – RW
  44. If you’re too big to serve, you’re too small to lead. – RW

More leadership insights coming this afternoon.  And do not forget to join our team at INJOY Stewardship Solutions on October 13th for a session entitled How One Capital Campaign Raised Over $10 Billion.  It will be a fun hour of equipping and training.  Click HERE or on the image below to register today.

$10B webinar image

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.