Catalyst ’15 – 31 Leadership Quotes From Erwin McManus

As a member of the Catalyst Blog Team and INJOY Stewardship SolutionsI will be bringing you live updates from the much anticipated Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, GA.  The theme for this year’s conference is Awaken The Wonder.

The next speaker in the Catalyst lineup was Erwin McManus, the founder of The Mosaic, one of the most creative churches in America.  The following are 31 Leadership Quotes and Lessons from  session.

Also, before reading, make sure you check out the announcement from INJOY Stewardship Solutions shown below about a FREE webinar on October 13th for churches needing to raise capital in 2016.  Now onto thoughts:

  1. I did not grow up in the space of the church.
  2. How is it possible for us to even be aware of wonder? Where does wonder even come from?
  3. You have believed a lie that there is an elite group of individual who create and the rest of us that we are created to admire them.
  4. You may consider yourself a creative genius because you have never awakened that inside of you.
  5. The universe within us is far more fascinating than the universe outside of us.
  6. I used to date so I’m comfortable with rejection.
  7. Kind people don’t reject you even when they want to.
  8. Humans are my favorite species.
  9. I’m more of an anthropologist because I don’t know if we know who we are.
  10. Faith restores our humanity.
  11. We are living a life beneath our intention. We are the only species who can live beneath our intention.
  12. We live lives confident in what we have and fearful in what we hope for.
  13. Without faith we become no different than a leopard or a hippo.
  14. We are future creatures. Hope does not exists in the present. Hope exists in the future.
  15. Human beings disconnected from God only have confidence in what they have and not in things they cannot see.
  16. We need an ancient faith, not an old one.
  17. It is troubling when our beliefs do not match the truth.
  18. You were an idea in the mind of God before you were a fetus in the body of your mother.
  19. God materializes the invisible and turns it into the visible.
  20. We have been more informed by enlightment than the Scriptures. We need to move from enlightment to living in the light.
  21. In the same way bees create hives and ants create colonies, humans create the future.
  22. You are living inside a dream someone had before you ever took a breath.
  23. Evil men do not wait for permission from God to create something.
  24. As a child my body wasn’t sick. My soul was sick.
  25. You can only create the world outside of you that exists inside of you.
  26. It is time to take the Bible back who changed it into a book of conformity.
  27. The source of all beauty, all creativity and all wonder is the God who created us.
  28. God is not an imaginary friend but someone who lives in my imagination. He created my imagination.
  29. You should open up your soul so God can fill it with the hopes and dreams of the future He wants to create through you.
  30. You are a work of art. And you are an artist at work.
  31. You are human. We breath therefore we create.

More leadership insights to come throughout the day.  And do not forget to join our team at INJOY Stewardship Solutions on October 13th for a session entitled How One Capital Campaign Raised Over $10 Billion.  It will be a fun hour of equipping and training.  Click HERE or on the image below to register today.

$10B webinar image

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.