29 Leadership Quotes On Finishing Well From Johnny Hunt’s Mens Conference Final Session

This weekend I have been live blogging from Johnny Hunt’s Mens Conference.  This has become a must-attend event for me personally as it offers me two days to recharge my leadership batteries coming out of the holiday season.

With over 5,000 men live in attendance and over 50,000 viewing in simulcasts around the world, this year’s theme was Take Aim.  We want to Take Aim at some of the issues that hold us back from becoming the husbands, fathers and leaders Jesus is calling us to be. Wrong thinking. Bad choices. Lack of self control.

The following are 29 Leadership Quotes And Lessons On Finishing Well From Johnny Hunt’s Final Session:

  1. “The real desire of my heart is pastoring this church.”
  2. “The greatest call on my life was not to be a pastor but to be a Christian.”
  3. “Long before the body struggles the mind thinks in a wrong direction.”
  4. “Your vision is sacred. God gave it to you.”
  5. “Shadow boxing and sparring is not fighting. You can get hurt fighting.”
  6. “The Christian life is like a fight. You ever the enemy got the best of you in the last round. You ever been knocked down?”
  7. “I know I’m a Christian. I know I’m in a fight. There are some rounds I’ve not been proud of….There’s been some rounds I’ve won…But in the end we win because the fight’s been fixed.”
  8. “Some of the greatest defeats we’ve seen in the Bible follow some of the greatest victories.”
  9. “The devil is clever and he knows just when to attempt to pull the rug out from under us.”
  10. “You can’t coast on yesterdays blessings. You can’t live on experiences but on Christ.”
  11. “I don’t want the devil to rob me.”
  12. “I believe you can be a Christian and lose your soul. Not your salvation but your soul.”
  13. “One of the greatest joys in my life is serving Jesus.”
  14. “I want you to be committed to Jesus and then serve Him.”
  15. “If you’re too busy to serve Jesus you’re too busy. If you’re too busy to serve Jesus you’re screwed up.”
  16. “You need an unhurried quiet time.” – Henry Blackaby
  17. “You show me a Godly man and I show you a disciplined man. We are as Godly as we want to be.”
  18. “The life that God blesses is a life of availability.”
  19. “I want to make my time available to God. I want to make my treasure available to God.”
  20. “When I started in ministry I had a small pie but I wanted God to get a large slice.”
  21. “In America the larger the pie grows the smaller the slice Jesus gets.”
  22. “Paul thinks some undefined disaster is coming to him if he doesn’t obey.”
  23. “If I couldn’t be a generous giver because of debt and I owned a home, I would sell it and get something smaller.”
  24. “Before you get angry about what someone says about you, be happy it’s not Jesus. Because He has the goods on you.”
  25. “If you’re not careful you’ll deify more than one person in the Bible and there’s only one Diety.”
  26. “Even good things can interfere with the best.”
  27. “To finish a race you have to cross the line. You died in the race having never reached the finish line because of something you legitimized in your life that stole your hunger for Christ.”
  28. “The chords of your sin you must lay aside for Jesus.”
  29. “The best place to make changes in your life is at home.”

This has been an incredible conference.  I hope the insights have made you a better leader.

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Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1869 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2015 Global Leadership Summit, That Church, REACT and Catalyst Conferences.  Dr. Johnny Hunt provides over 100 of the quotes included.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.