20 Thoughts From A Father’s Stream Of Consciousness

Have you ever noticed how quickly children grow up?  I am about the be the father of a teenager but I still see my daughter as a little girl crawling down the hall in diapers.  Where did the time go?

I am in a reflective state of mind this evening.  It just amazes me watching God shape her mind and personality.  Therefore, I will give you just twenty random thoughts on being a father that I am thinking tonight.

  1. The first two hours of her life I held her and just talked to her.  We’ve been talking ever since.
  2. Saturday morning dates with my daughter are my most relaxing time of the week.  For more information on this, click here.
  3. Going to church as a family is my favorite time of week.
  4. Watching my daughter lead worship during children’s church makes me proud.
  5. Baptizing her is my favorite memory.
  6. Slow walks on the beach with my daughter are soothing.
  7. Playing putt-putt and riding go-carts together with her are fun.
  8. Watching her develop a sense of fashion is like watching an eagle leave the nest.
  9. Walking into her room and finding her reading the Bible makes me think I’ve been part of doing something right.
  10. Hearing her say “I’m sorry” lets me know she is emotionally healthy.
  11. She dresses modestly.  This is modeled by her mother. 
  12. She knows when something inappropriate comes on television and changes the channel.  This shows me she has discernment.
  13. Parent Teacher Conferences.  I actually really enjoy these.
  14. She will be driving before I know it.
  15. A boy whistled at her for the first time last week.  That made me mad but I’m ready for that type of behavior.
  16. I think she will make a great babysitter.
  17. I could kick myself every time I come up short as a father.
  18. Loving her mother models what she should look for in a husband and gives her a strong sense of security.
  19. Telling her that I love her forever, no matter what is so important.
  20. Telling her that Jesus loves her, no matter what is more important.

Welcome to the Brian Dodd stream of consciousness on being a father.  I would love for all fathers to chime in on what they are thinking as they read this.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.