The Top 20 Most Read Christian Blogs And Leaders As Determined By You The Readers

Each week I post my Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Previous Week.  I make this list for the purpose of pointing you to quality resources and also helping you cut through all the leadership noise on the internet.  These posts have become extremely popular and spotlight some of the greatest thinkers and writers in the Christian leadership community.

Thanks to Google Analytics and my site’s statistics page, I can determine who you read the most over the past 12 months.  I thought you would find this information interesting so I wanted to make it available to you.  If you have not subscribed to these sites, I recommend you click on the provided links and do so today.

The following are The Top 20 Most Read Christian Blogs And Leaders As Determined By You The Readers:

  1. Ron Edmondson – As pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church, a church leader and the planter of two churches, Ron is passionate about planting churches, but also helping established churches thrive.
  2. Carey Nieuwhof – Carey is a husband, a dad to two sons and a daughter-in-law, and the founding and teaching pastor of Connexus Church north of Toronto Canada.
  3. Dan Reiland – Dan is the Executive Pastor at 12Stone Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. He previously partnered with John Maxwell for 20 years, first as Executive Pastor at Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, then as Vice President of Leadership and Church Development at INJOY.
  4. Paul Alexander – Paul is a pastor, speaker, strategist, and ministry consultant at The Unstuck Group. Most of what he writes about focuses on helping churches and ministry leaders take steps to make the vision God has given them become reality.
  5. – Written by Rich Birch, he has been involved in church leadership for over 20 years. Early on Rich had the privilege of leading in one of the very first multisite churches in North America. He led the charge in helping The Meeting House in Toronto to become the leading multi-site church in Canada with over 4,500 people in 6 locations.  This site teaches you what seminary did not.
  6. Brandon A. Cox – Along with his wife, Angie, they are planting Grace Hills Church in Bentonville, Arkansas, which has grown from a couple of families in July of 2011 to an average attendance of around 400 while sending people to plant locally and abroad. They were sent out by Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, where Brandon served as a Pastor while re-developing the online, global community of
  7. – This is a wonderful post written by Matt Adair.  He works with some of the greatest leaders in the world. Some of them you may know; most of them you have never heard of. Ordinary men and women doing extraordinary work.
  8. Paul Sohn – Paul is a leadership coach, speaker, and author. He has spent his career building leaders worth following and creating good-to-great organizations. Paul has worked for both a Fortune 50 company and a Top 100 Great Place to Work Company.
  9. Charles Stone – Charles has been in ministry for 33 years—21 of those as a senior pastor. He has served in churches of over 1,000 congregants in associate roles. Charles has also planted a church, raised three kids, and written four books. He is now the senior pastor of West Park Church in London, Ontario, Canada.
  10. Mary Demuth – Mary wants you to know this about her: She loves Jesus. And really that’s the most important thing about her. It’s not writing or speaking or praying or mommying or any other -ing you can find. She flat out loves Him. Why? Because He’s amazing. And He has utterly, truly, completely re-storied her life.
  11. Rookie – Joe Hoagland and Brandon Kelley chose the name Rookie Preacher because it represents what they are about. As a rookie in anything, you are in a position of being a learner. They believe that all pastors should be learners.
  12. Scott Cochrane – The fourth Canadian on the list, Scott is the Vice President- International, Willow Creek Association. He loves Jesus, Nora, Adam, Amy and John. And football and hockey (he’s from Canada) are much further down the list.
  13. Mark Howell Live – Mark is the Pastor of  Communities at Canyon Ridge Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is also the founder of, offering consulting and coaching services that help churches across North America launch, build and sustain healthy small group ministries.
  14. Margaret Feinberg – A self-described “hot mess,” Margaret is a popular Bible teacher and speaker at churches and leading conferences such as CatalystThrive,and Women of Joy, and creator of best-selling author.
  15. Kurt Bubna – A self-proclaimed “recovering idiot,” Kurt has been in pastoral ministry since 1976 and now serves as the Senior Pastor of Eastpoint Church, a vibrant, growing, and community-focused congregation in Spokane Valley, Washington.
  16. – This organization handcrafts your pastoral staff search process for each of their clients to help find the right leaders for their ministry.  Their team has completed hundreds of searches serving churches and ministries from 70 to 70,000 in size including nearly a hundred different denominations and tribes.  And they also write a great leadership blog.
  17. Dan Black On Leadership – Dan’s desire is to help others become better people and leaders through his writing and resources. His goal is to write content that helps you reach your leadership potential.
  18. Justin Trapp – Justin founded Ministry Pass, an organization geared toward empowering and serving the local church. Within the first 18 months, over 40,000 church leaders worldwide used resources from Ministry Pass. Justin’s work has been featured on Christianity Today,, Sermon Central, Ministry Today, and
  19. Tony Morgan Live – Tony is the Chief Strategic Officer and founder of The Unstuck Group. He’s a consultant, leadership coach and writer who helps churches get unstuck and have a bigger impact.  For 14 years, Tony served on the senior leadership teams at West Ridge Church (Dallas, GA), NewSpring Church (Anderson, SC) and Granger Community Church (Granger, IN).
  20. Steve Fogg – Steve is passionate about sharing with the world what he knows about branding, communications, marketing and all things digital.  Steve also wants to help you communicate clearly and simply so you are able to tell your story in a way that connects with your audience whether you are a small, church, business or non-profit.

Thank you for supporting the content on these sites.  Many are great friends of mine.  I am glad they consistently add value to your leadership.


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.