Maybe The Best Definition Of Leadership I’ve Ever Heard

How would you define the word “leadership”?  The most famous definition is from John Maxwell who says “Leadership is influence”.  John, of course, is right.

However, today my pastor Crawford Loritts gave a definition that made me stop in my tracks.  Crawford gave this statement – “The Heavy Responsibility Of Leadership Is That It Is A Destination Others Wish To Arrive.”

I have been thinking about those words all day.  When I look at the lives of other leaders, do I want to end up where they are?  Let’s internalize it – as a leader, does your team members want to end up where you are?  This is literally changing how I view the subject of leadership.

Would others want to arrive where you are using this baker’s dozen of leadership as a barometer:

  1. Compensation and Benefits.  There is little doubt that most people on your team would want to arrive where you are in this area.  However, what they must ask is are they willing to pay the price that you paid to get there?
  2. Competence.  Are you an expert in your craft?  If not, are you becoming one?
  3. Character.  Does your life reflect the core values your company most likely proudly displays?
  4. Confidence.  This comes from previous accomplishments, not from current circumstances.
  5. Courage.  Are you decisive and can you make difficult decisions?
  6. Creativity.  Can you find solutions where there are no obvious answers exist?  A follow-up question would be do you produce?  Creativity without creation/production is simply brainstorming.
  7. Influence.  Do others follow you?
  8. Respect.  Do others admire you as a person?  This speaks to something beyond your accomplishments.
  9. Relational Intelligence.  Do you have people skills?  Do people enjoy being around you?
  10. Quality of Family Life.  Do I want to arrive at a leadership destination that requires me losing my family?  No.
  11. Generosity.  Do people see you as a person with an open hand or a closed fist?
  12. Peace.  Do you provide your team a sense of security.  Do you trust your preparation or are you driven by knee-jerk reactions?
  13. Spiritual Maturity.  Do you have your priorities right?  While you want to maximize and be a great steward of everything you have been entrusted with, does your life reflect that you are focused on eternity?  Do you trust and love God more than anything?

Let me give you one more – Trust.  Have you made wise and timely decisions over an extended period of time?

Leaders, let me ask you to comment on this fundamental question – Do those on your team wish to arrive at where you are at in the 14 areas mentioned?  This post will challenge me for months.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.