The Top 21 Reasons Why All Pastors, Coaches And Business Leaders Should Buy The New Book Timeless

Leaders are readers.  As a result, almost every leader I know is constantly looking for a new book which will expand their thinking and give them insights into how to become a better leader.  Such a book is now available.

If you have not pre-ordered my new book  Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders,   I want to encourage you to do so TODAY!

Don’t believe me?  Well, then read the advanced testimonials coming in from some of Christianity’s greatest leaders who have already read the book.  They give us The Top 21 Reasons Why All Pastors, Coaches And Business Leaders Should Buy The New Book Timeless:

  1. Timeless is Practical And Challenging – “Brian Dodd has managed to package a unique and powerful blend of biblical and human leadership personalities.  Making this book practical and challenging, in large part because it is built on the examples of Godly men and women.” –  Steve Robinson, retired Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Chick-Fil-A ,Inc.
  2. Timeless Is The Most Personal Thing I Have Ever Written – “Brian is well known for his brilliant leadership quote writing, blogging and amazing ability to quickly gather and share leadership nuggets of gold.  In his latest book, Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders, Brian does all that and adds a personal touch along with biblical insights that make this book a must read.  It reads fast, it’s practical, and it also has a depth that will make you want to come back to it for more personal growth and to develop other leaders.” – Dan Reiland, Executive Pastor, 12Stone Church, Atlanta, GA
  3. Timeless Will Help You Know Your Next Leadership Steps To Take – “Leadership is a gift, but it’s also a stewardship.  When it’s stewarded well, it produces immediate results and lays the foundation for a long-term legacy.  Because of that, leaders also crave the honest truth.  What gaps exist in our leadership?  Where do we need to develop?  Leaders never settle, and this book will challenge you and the people you mentor to take your next steps in growing your influence.” – Tony Morgan, Founder & Lead Strategist, The Unstuck Group
  4. Timeless Contains A Special Thank You To Pastors – “Brian, your book is a treasure chest of leadership wisdom from not only Biblical truth, but also real-life stories of celebrities we all know.  I found your own personal stories of leadership struggles to be incredibly helpful.  Thanks for your humility and honesty.  Also, in chapter 6 you wrote a special thank you to pastors.  I’ve copied this and put it in my journal for extra encouragement when needed.  Thank you for writing this book! I pray God will use this book to shape decades full of future leaders into Apex leaders.” – Fred Baker, Lead Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church Asheville
  5. Timeless Will Be Read Over And Over – “Brian Dodd is one of the finest purveyors of leadership today, and his new book, Timeless, is a must have for every leader. It will be a book you read again and again in your own quest to become an apex leader.”  – Justin Trapp, Founder,
  6. Timeless Will Help You Grow As A Leader – “Do you want to grow as a leader? Look no further! Timeless will challenge you, convict you, and compel you to reach your maximum potential. Great leaders are always looking for practical ways to take their influence to the next level.  Brian exemplifies what it means to be an Apex leader, and this book will give you a compass on how to become one!” – Daniel Lucas, Senior Pastor, Better Life Church
  7. Timeless Is Well-Researched – “Brian has become a trusted and valued source for leadership insight in my life. With the release of his new book, Timeless, we see the culmination of a tremendous amount of research and diligence to bring key leadership practices to countless leaders including you!” – Frank Bealer, Director of Leadership Development, Orange/The rethink Group
  8. Timeless Will Generate Great Conversations With Leaders You Are Wanting To Develop – “Brian is a student of leaders and the art of leadership.  In ‘Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders’, he has given us all the gift of distilling decades of learning from other leaders and packaged so we can apply it to our lives.  This would be a perfect resource for you and your team to go through together … it would generate so many great conversations to take your people to the next level in their leadership. Thanks Brian for helping so many with this resource!” – Rich Birch, Founder, unSeminary
  9. Timeless’ Discussion Questions Are Worth The Price Of The Book – In Timeless, Brian Dodd provides incredible insights into the challenges and goals of leadership.  The discussion questions alone are worth the price of the book!  You will be encouraged with practical and useful knowledge that can and will transform your leadership.” – Kurt W. Bubna, Author and Senior Pastor, Eastpoint Church
  10. Timeless Is A Great Blend Spiritual Leadership And Fabulous Stories – “I have found in life that there are those that write about leadership and just observe traits.  Then there are those that read about leadership and mimic others thoughts. However, in every generation there is someone who ‘gets’ leadership and intuitively understand what makes the great leaders tick.  Brian Dodd is that guy, ‘Timeless’ is a great blend of ‘spiritual leadership’ and fabulous stories from high achievers!  This book lays the ground work as we all strive to be ‘Apex Leaders’!” – Mike Linch, Senior Pastor NorthStar Church, Host of “Linch with a Leader” Podcast
  11. Timeless Is Awesome – “This book is awesome!!!  Here’s what you need to know about Brian Dodd – he not only loves leaders but he’s also a practitioner.  The dude knows what he’s talking about.  Brian has become a great friend and I’m glad to recommend Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders.  I get asked all the time what separates the best leaders from everyone else.  Timeless will give you the answers.  If you want to become the best leader possible, make sure you get a copy for yourself and everyone on your team.” – Perry Noble, Pastor of Second Chance, Founder of The Growth Company
  12. Timeless Will Help You Become An Apex Leader Yourself – “Brian Dodd is an observer of people and a world class miner who extracts the wisdom from every encounter he experiences with others!  In other words, Brian does the hard work of distilling what distinguishes transformational wisdom from just informational wisdom in those who succeed at a high level.  In Brian’s latest book, Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leader, he formulates the qualities that set apart Leaders with character which makes them an Apex Leader in Brian’s mind.  Buy the book, read the book, apply the book, and you too can reach the apex of your Leadership potential!” – Dr. Dwight “Ike” Reighard, President/CEO MUST Ministries, Senior Pastor Piedmont Church
  13. Timeless Will Help You Endure In A Shifting Culture – “There are plenty of leadership ‘experts’ out there today, but when I look for unique insights about being a leader, Brian Dodd is my first call.  His new book, ‘Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders’ is a treasure chest I’m keeping on my desk because I need to be reminded of these principles every day. There are plenty of leadership trends out there, but if you’re interested in the ideas that never change, and endure through a shifting culture, then get your hands on this book. It’s the kind of resource that will change the way you think about leadership.” Phil Cooke, Ph.D. – Filmmaker, media consultant, and author of The Way Back: How Christians Blew Our Credibility and How We Get it  Back
  14.  Timeless Is A Fun Read – “We all have leaders that we follow, respect, trust, and learn from. There have been incredible leaders throughout history.  Brian helps you see what they have in common and how to learn from their example.  I thoroughly enjoyed this read and think every Christian leader would be remiss to not invest the time to learn from Brian’s work.” – Greg Atkinson, Author, and Founder of the First Impressions Conference
  15. Timeless Comes From 30 Years Of Leadership Experience – “I have known Brian for 30 years and he sees all of life through the lens of a leader.  His insights did not come to him over a cup of coffee and a few minutes with a white board.  These come from a lifetime of leadership and and keen observations of leaders.  You will recognize these principles as the title says: Timeless. Brian is a master illustrator.  The stories he uses bring clarity and makes the principles stick.  But what I like most are the questions at the end of the chapters that will help as I lead my staff in walking through these pages. This practical book will be a permanent part of your library.” – Mark Marshall, Senior Pastor, The Glade Church
  16. Timeless Will Build Your People – “Some people build companies, some build organizations, some build churches; Brian Dodd builds people.  Within the pages of Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders, Brian shares ten practices from within the trenches of leadership.  Stories, principles, lessons learned, characteristics, and timeless practices that, if applied, have the potential to turn you (or any reader) into an Apex Leader.” – JT Terrazas, Lead Pastor, Hope City Community Church
  17. Timeless Makes A Great Gift For Everyone You Lead – “Brian’s book is a GIFT to anyone who desires to be a leader worth following!  Reading and applying these principles and practices in the present will get you ready for what could be yours in the future!  It’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it! ” – JR Lee, Senior Pastor, Freedom Church 
  18. Timeless Is Not Just For Church Leaders – “As is so often his custom, Brian Dodd is right on the mark in Timeless with his identification of essential traits in Apex Leaders!  His rich, value-laden examples capture how many of the world’s most notable leaders conduct their business and invest in the people around them.  This read is so directly applicable for leaders serving across many different organizations and levels, it an indispensable part of any personal or professional library. I can’t wait to share Timeless with others in my organization!” – Dr. Brian Hightower, Superintendent of Schools, Cherokee County (Ga)
  19. Timeless Will Help You Notice Other Apex Leaders In Your Organization – “Apex leaders usually don’t know they are apex leaders. Others notice them, study them and write about them so leaders like me can read, learn and grow. My friend Brian Dodd has made it easier for me in his book TIMELESS: 10 Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders. You too can become an apex leader and even develop others to do the same. See you at the apex.” – Sam Chand, Leadership Consultant and author of Bigger Faster Leadership
  20. Timeless Will Have You Nodding Constantly Throughout – “I am so glad Brian Dodd has taken the time to pen this book, ‘Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders.’  For years Brian has penned daily leadership blogs that have challenged and inspired me in leading others.   I agree with the practices that he outlines in this book and found myself nodding constantly all throughout!  You will enjoy reading this book.  And you will be thrilled if you put into practice what he wrote.” – Brian Stowe, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Plant City (Fl)
  21. Timeless Will Encourage You – “Not only is Brian Dodd one of the most encouraging people I have ever met, he is an amazing student of leadership.  He recognizes it in all walks of life and brings those principles in focus for the church.  The character traits he identifies in this book are worthy of reflection and discussion.  I highly recommend it for you and your entire team.  Read it together!” – Michael Lukaszewski, Founder and CEO, Church Fuel

Do you need any extra convincing?  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.  Special pricing is available for pre-orders.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.