Live Blog Leadercast Live 2018: 26 Leadership Quotes From Michael Hyatt

Today, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to live blog Leadercast Live 2018.  Leadercast Live is the largest, one-day leadership event on the planet, with more than 100,000 current visionaries and future world-changers attending each year.

Before getting to the content, the team at INJOY Stewardship want to invest in your leadership.  Click HERE to receive a FREE ebook for church leaders entitled “Stop The Summer Giving Slump.”   This is an invaluable resource which will help you during one of the most challenging times of the year for resourcing your mission and vision.

The morning’s next speaker was Michael Hyatt.  Michael is the founder and CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company, a leadership development firm specializing in transformative live events, workshops, and digital and physical planning tools.

The following are 26 Leadership Quotes from his life-changing session on self-care:

  1. Elon Musk is a genius but encouragable workaholic.
  2. The hustle fallacy leads to self-neglect.
  3. 61% of American workers struggle with work-related stress.
  4. You risk of a heart attack is 11% higher on Mondays.
  5. High achievers are in high-demand. Therefore, their workload keeps growing.
  6. In the hustle fallacy, the first thing we cut is self-care.
  7. Self-care describes the activities that have meaningful life outside of work while contributing to greater performance at work.
  8. Self-care gives you energy.
  9. We have more tasks than time and that’s always going to be true.
  10. The Law of 50. Push past 50 hours of week and there’s no benefit.  50 hours of work only yields 37 hours of productivity.
  11. Time not chopping is equal to time chopping.You are making sure the tool is working.
  12. Self-care gives you an edge.
  13. Sharpening the blade is not indulgent. It is essential.
  14. Self-care fuels creativity.
  15. 6 hours of less lowers our cognitive function to someone who is legally drunk. An extra hour of sleep might be your best strategy to increase creativity.
  16. If you and your team need a breakthrough, you might just need a break.
  17. Regular exercise results in increased earnings.As high as 14% annually… Exercise makes people more productive in intense situations.
  18. Self-neglect creates crises which cripple careers.
  19. Self-care gives you endurance.
  20. The hustle fallacy comes with a very high price tag.
  21. When you stack sprint upon sprint upon sprint, it is a recipe for burnout.
  22. Some of us are working ourselves into lackluster marriages.
  23. Set a goal of sleeping 8 hours a night. When it comes to self-care, nothing is more important than your rest.
  24. Self-care is a leadership discipline.
  25. Leaders go first. They go ahead so others can follow behind.
  26. Self-care drives success.

This was a great session!  Next up is Jen Bricker.

Once again, to receive your complimentary copy of “Stop The Summer Giving Slump”, click HERE  or on the image provided.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.